Chapter 28

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After more than two hours on the road, Hanna and Caleb finally make it to Jordan's father's place.

Caleb can't believe the huge mansion before them when he pulls into the driveway. And he doesn't miss out the ridiculous amount of security cameras all around the place. Emily and Hanna were right, he would have never been able to get Chocolate back on his own. What was he thinking? Of course it would be that way, that property belongs to a rich man who is running for president. He stops the car a bit away from the gate and looks at Hanna.

Hanna "I'll go ring the bell" she points at an intercom that is on Caleb's side but a little further on, past the car. She opens the door, but Caleb stops her.

Caleb "Wait, I'll get closer with the car and ring it myself"

Hanna "No, I'll do it. It has a security camera. Eloise, the maid, usually answers it. She will let me in, she knows me. Otherwise, she will make someone from the security personnel talk to you and they will ask you why you are here, your name, your ID, and stuff"

Caleb only gives her a nod and waits in the car.

It seems like Hanna was right, because only a couple of minutes later, she gets back in the car and the high gate before them opens.

Hanna "Eloise says that Jordan isn't here, but she let me in anyway. I think she doesn't even know about our breakup" she tells Caleb as they drive through the gate. "I told her that you were my cousin, I hope you don't mind... she saw you and asked me who was driving the car, and I-"

Caleb "It's okay. I don't care" he shoots her a reassuring smile. "Let's go for that big-ass bear that you have for a dog and get the hell out of here" he brings his hand to Hanna's knee and gives her a squeeze.

Hanna only smiles and places her hand on top of his.


After parking the car, they go to the front door of the mansion and ring the doorbell.

Hanna takes a deep breath and then exhales slowly, trying to calm her anxiety as they wait for Eloise to open the door.

Caleb "You okay?" he asks and is about to take her hand, but then he remembers that he is supposed to be Hanna's cousin, so he decides against doing so.

Hanna only nods. She can't wrap her head around Jordan being responsible for what happened to her, it just doesn't make sense. She still truly believes that there must be a logical explanation. But at the same time, being about to step into Jordan's father's mansion makes her really nervous, anxious and a bit sick. She doesn't know why, but she doesn't want to be there.

Caleb's lips crushing her cheek in a brief tender kiss bring her back to reality. She is so glad that he insisted on coming with her. What in the world was she thinking when she suggested that he waited for her in the car?

Caleb pulls away from her just in time before Eloise finally opens the front door for them.

Eloise "Hanna! How are you, my dear?"

Hanna "Hi, Eloise" she forces a smile and greets her back as she and Caleb step into the house. "I'm well, you?"

Eloise "I'm very well, thanks for asking" she answers warmly as always, and then turns to look at Caleb.

Hanna "This is Caleb" she introduces him, but she doesn't say that he is her cousin this time, it was already weird enough saying it before.

Eloise "Hi, Caleb" she greets him and Caleb greets her back with a simple nod. "So, what brings you here? Are you staying here for good?" she asks Hanna.

Hanna confirms right then that the woman has no idea about the breakup. "Oh, no... I just... I came for my dog. He is here, I'm just picking him up"

Eloise "Does Jordan know about this?"

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