Chapter 53

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A couple of days later. Friday noon.

Hanna's store is still closed as they've been working hard on making dresses to restock.

She returns to the store after going out to get lunch for everyone. It's her way of thanking her employees for their hard work during those tough days. Lisa and Vanessa have even stayed extra hours to work on the dresses, which Hanna truly appreciates. Despite the fact that she's paying them for their extra time, she wants them to feel appreciated as well.

As Hanna goes upstairs, she finds Lisa crying inconsolably at her desk, with Vanessa trying to comfort her.

Hanna "Hey, Lis... what's going on?" She asks her softly while placing the bags with the food on her own desk. Then she approaches Lisa.

Lisa "Are you firing us?" She asks, between sobs.

Hanna "No, of course not. Where did you get that idea?"

Vanessa "Sydney found some files on your desk... She said you were moving the business to New York."

Hanna "That's not true. I'm not moving it to New York. I'm expanding it." She crouches down before Lisa and places her hand on her shoulder. "I'm not firing anyone, Lis. I promise. I give you my word."

Sydney shows up in there. "That's not what those papers on your desk say, Hanna."

Hanna stands up and turns to look at Sydney. "What where you doing going through my stuff?" She asks, annoyed.

Sydney "I was organizing the place, like you asked me."

Hanna "Yes, I asked you to tidy up, not to snoop around my stuff."

Lisa "So it's true?" She asks, worried.

Hanna looks at Lisa. "No, Lisa. The only one getting fired here is Sydney." She says firmly, then turns back to Sydney. "You are fired, Sydney. I'm done with your bad attitude. I don't know what's with you this past week, but I'm done putting up with you."

Sydney "Okay, fine. You're doing me a favor anyway. I'm done putting up with you too. You don't know the first thing about running a business, yet you go around giving people orders as if you knew what you're doing. But before I leave, I'll do you a favor in return, since it seems like your precious Caleb kept it a secret from you..."

Hanna stares at her, confused. "What are you talking about?"

Sydney "Ask him what happened at the bar the other night. I'm sure he'll have a good explanation." She says, maliciously before turning around, grabbing her purse, and leaving.

Hanna sighs and turns back to Lisa and Vanessa. Vanessa doesn't seem affected by Sydney's accusations, as she's only there to cover for Anna for a couple of months. But Hanna wants to be honest with Lisa. She owes it to her.

Hanna "Listen, Lis. I'm expanding the business to New York because I can't face another stock crisis like this. Yes, most of the production will be based there, and those papers that Sydney found do say that I'm closing this workshop here, only keeping the store. But that's not what's going to happen. I'm planning on keeping you here. Those papers are only the first version of the new business plan my friend designed for me. But I asked him to change it. I give you my word, you won't lose your job."

Lisa seems calmer and she nods. "Thanks for your honesty, Hanna." She wipes her tears with a tissue. "I just love working here."

Hanna smiles at her and then goes to get the food she brought. "So, who's hungry?"

They have lunch and then get back to work. But Hanna can't get Sydney's words out of her mind. Even though she knows Sydney was just being mean, she can't help texting Caleb, who is still in Boston and won't be back until the night.

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