Chapter 30

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Morning after.

Hanna wakes up first. She smiles even before opening her eyes at feeling Caleb's breathing against her forehead. She tilts her head up and is about to kiss his lips when she recalls all the events from the previous day and decides against it. She finally opens her eyes. She is not sure how they ended up cuddling together and even though his arm is around her waist, his grip is loose and she doesn't know if he meant to put his arm there, or if it just ended up there by chance during the night.

Anyway, she is determined to fix things with Caleb that same morning, no matter what. But first, she needs a shower, so she gets up from the bed being as quiet as possible and then slips out of the room to let Caleb sleep a little longer. And although Chocolate does hear her and looks at her, he feels too lazy to get up and so he stays in there with Caleb.


An hour later, Hanna is dressed up and with her make-up done. She is not only determined to work things out with Caleb, but also to have a better day than the ones she has had lately. She wants to go back to normal and looking good has always improved her mood a lot.

And besides looking good, she also needs a trip to the mall to get a new cell phone and maybe some other things, and for that, she knows who the best companion would be: Mona. She's always been her shopping partner when they were in high school, and most importantly, she doesn't know about everything she just went through in the last days, so she won't ask questions or feel sorry for her.

But she needs to find a way to reach her. After thinking for a little while, a good option pops into her mind. She knows that her mom must have left her old laptop somewhere in the house, most probably in the main bedroom. After going through her mom's stuff for a while, she finds the laptop, sits on the bed, logs into Facebook and sends a message to Mona.


Hanna goes downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. After taking a look in the cabinets and in the fridge, she realizes that she is running out of groceries and should probably make a stop at the store later as well. She settles for simple toasts and coffee and after putting the slices of bread in the toaster, she makes her way to the staircase to go wake Caleb up. But before she can climb a step, Chocolate shows up and goes down the stairs.

Hanna "Hi, buddy" she greets the dog with a smile as he approaches her for some caresses. "Wanna go outside?" she asks him while petting his head. She knows that Chocolate needs his morning pee, so she goes let him out to the backyard.

Then she goes back to the kitchen, because if Chocolate finally got up, it means that Caleb is up too and so she decides to just wait for him there.

And indeed, only a few minutes later, Caleb shows up over there. Hanna is pouring the coffee, facing the kitchen counter and he is barefoot, so she doesn't hear him come. He is also shirtless, only wearing sweatpants, and his hair is messy, since he just woke up and only stopped by at the bathroom before going downstairs.

Caleb "Hey" he greets her briefly.

Hanna turns around right away. "Hey" she greets him back and can't help but smile a little at the sight in front of her. He is just too hot and she is not sure if she will ever get over his shirtless torso. "Morning" she adds then and forces her gaze up from his abs to look at his face. And when she does so, she finds his eyes fixed on her too.

He is staring at her. She can't decipher him. His face is serious but she can't tell if he is still upset or if his serious expression is only due to the fact that he just woke up. What she doesn't know is that what caught his attention are her red lips. Just as simple as that. He is still sleepy and finding her all dressed up just captured his attention. He finally reacts and focusing on her eyes, he gives her a soft smile too.

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