Chapter 67

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A bit over a week later, Hanna finds herself at her workshop in Rosewood.

Struggling to come up with any new designs for the past couple of days due to her high anxiety while waiting for the genetic test results, which seem to be taking longer than expected, she decides to get on with it and bring one of her already sketched dresses to life.

Sitting at her desk, she's very focused on applying some gems to a corset when her phone makes a notification sound. Immediately dropping what she's doing, she grabs her phone, her heart racing as she sees it's an email from the clinic. She's been calling there for four days almost in a row, with the weekend in between, to ask for her results, only to be told that they weren't ready yet.

Opening the email, she's met with a short message stating that the test results came back normal, with no genetic conditions detected. Additionally, the email mentions that her doctor wishes to see her again in a month for further prenatal checkups and that she can find all the detailed information in the attached file.

Hanna "I'll be right back, guys." She tells Lisa and Anna, who are engrossed in their own tasks, before making her way down the stairs.

She then steps out onto the street, seeking some privacy away from the hustle and bustle of her store, and gives Caleb a call. It takes several rings for him to answer, but he finally does.

Caleb "Hey! What's going on?" He asks immediately, as Hanna typically texts unless it's urgent.

Hanna "Hey! Everything's fine. I just received an email from the clinic with the test results..."

Caleb "Oh, finally! What does it say?"

Hanna "I haven't opened the results yet. I was hoping we could do it together. But the email said that everything is normal and it didn't detect any genetic conditions."

Caleb "Well, that's a relief." He says, a smile audible in his voice.

Hanna "Yeah... are you busy right now? Can I come to your office so we can take a look together?"

Caleb "Sure, come on over, babe."

Hanna smiles. "I'll be right there. I'm anxious as fuck." She chuckles.

Caleb grins. "Hurry up, then. I'll be waiting, probably just as anxious as you..."

Hanna "See you in five." She says, still smiling, before ending the call.


Some time later, maybe more than five minutes but not too long, Hanna enters Caleb's office, finding the door partially open.

Hanna "Hey!" She greets him with a wide smile, closing the door behind her.

Caleb "Hey, Haleb baby's mama!" He playfully greets her back from his chair, as they've been calling each other things like that lately, just as a part of their playful banter and in-jokes.

Hanna chuckles. As he leans back from his desk, she naturally settles onto his lap.

Hanna "Ready?" She asks, already holding her phone, while Caleb takes the opportunity to plant a couple of kisses on her neck. His arms wrap around her waist.

Caleb "Ready." He confirms. "Let's find out more about our tiny bean."

Hanna takes a deep breath as she opens the attached file from the email. "Here we go."

Their eyes quickly skim the document, scanning for key information. The results are full of technical medical concepts they don't fully grasp. Hanna continues scrolling, hoping to find something comprehensible.

Caleb "Oh my god, Han!" He says excited, tightening his grip around her waist.

Hanna "What?" She asks, still focused on the screen.

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