Chapter 60

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The day after the wedding.

Sunday afternoon. Lucas' apartment in New York.

Hanna is sitting at the table, working on a new design on her sketchbook when her phone starts buzzing repeatedly. Despite her attempt to ignore it until she finishes her sketch, the persistent notifications grab her attention, and she can't resist taking a look. She finds many texts from her friends in their group chat.

Alison: "Hi, Han! Em and I want all the details from last night."

Aria: "Me too."

Spencer: "Me three. I was just about to text you too, Han. You beat me to it, Ali."

Alison: "Did you have sex?"

Spencer: "Of course she did, duh!"

Alison: "What about you, Spence? How was that wedding night?"

Spencer: "Still recovering from it. LOL"

Aria: "Did you guys stay at the Radley?"

Spencer: "Yeah. Didn't even sleep. We left early in the morning, Finnie was waiting for us at home."

Alison: "Han! Are you there?"

Aria: "Maybe she's still with Caleb."

Alison: "Must be getting dick then. LOL"

Aria: "HAHAHA"

Hanna: "Hey! I'm here! 1) Didn't have sex. 2) Hope you made Finnie's little sister last night, Spence. 3) I wish LOL. I'm not with Caleb, I'm back in NY."

Spencer: "Hey! Stop asking me for another baby, easy for you to say. You're the aunt, you get all the fun and then get to hand them back when things get messy. I'll be the one on duty 24/7!"

Hanna: "It's just that you make adorable babies... and I can't ask Em and Ali, they've already got two... and Aria is already on it."

Spencer: "Maybe you should have the next one, and I'll happily be the doting aunt. And from what I saw last night, that baby could be already on its way. LOL"

Hanna: "I told you I didn't have sex. Guess we will just have to wait for Ari's baby."

Aria: "Yeah, hope the little one comes out soon... I can't bear being pregnant anymore. My feet are so swollen after wearing heels... I think I won't be able to wear any shoes at all for the next month."

Alison: "Really, Han? Why not? (I'm Em)."

Spencer: "Sorry to hear that, Ari. Hold on, it's just a little while more. The last month is the hardest, but it's totally worth it. I promise."

Aria: "Thanks, Spence :)"

Alison: "We are still waiting for the details, Han. What did you two do if you didn't have sex?"

Hanna: "Hold on, I'll send you a voice message."

Spencer: "Yes, please."

Hanna: [Voice Message] "We didn't have sex because I want to take things easy, we still need to figure out how to move forward because I'll have to stay here in New York at least for another month and well... it's kind of complicated. But anyway, last night was just perfect, guys. I felt like it was one of our first dates. We got drive-thru and he took me to this beautiful place from where we could see the entire town, and then it started to snow while we were watching the sunrise... It was so romantic... we made out in his car, then we took a nap in the backseat and later he took me to my mom's."

Emily: "Sounds like a beautiful night, Han."

Spencer: "Aww, I just loved that you two got back together at my wedding. You looked so fucking good together last night. And so much happy."

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