Chapter 29

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Caleb "So? What did he tell you?" he asks Hanna as he pulls away from the parking space in front of the coffee shop where she met up with Jordan.

Hanna "It was George. He hired two men to steal Chocolate from me because he thought that I would get back with Jordan at some point if I didn't have him. Basically, he wanted to make my life miserable again for me to come back"

Caleb "And who are those men? Did he tell you?"

Hanna "No, just two ex-convicts that ran away after screwing the whole thing up. Apparently, they weren't supposed to hurt me. They only had to steal Chocolate. So I guess you were right, the sedative was for Chocolate, not for me. I guess they injected me it because I didn't let go of him"

Caleb "Okay, we are going to tell all that to the police... I'm sure they will be able to track those men down, and they also will have to find a connection between George and them to prove his guilt as well"

Hanna "I won't go to the police, Caleb"

Caleb "Why?" he glances at her and then focuses back on the road.

Hanna "I already told you. I don't want them to open any investigation. I don't want anyone else to learn about what happened to me. I don't wanna be a victim. What happened to me is embarrassing... did you notice the way people turned to look at me today at the restaurant when you said it out loud?"

Caleb "Hanna, this should be embarrassing for Jordan, George and the other two men, not for you. They have to pay for what they did"

Hanna "Jordan had nothing to do with it"

Caleb has been holding himself back for a while now, but he can't help saying what he really thinks at hearing that answer from her. "Hanna, I'm so done with you defending him. The guy is a piece of shit. If he really cared for you, he would have gotten the dog in his car and driven straight to Rosewood the moment he found him at his place. He would have gone visit you at the hospital at least. But apparently, he had more important things to do here. Like covering for his friend. It makes him just as guilty as George. Stop defending him"

Hanna "No, you stop obsessing with his guilt. I know he doesn't give a fuck about me, okay? I get it. But he did nothing, and I know the truth because of him. I don't need to go to the police because now I have the answers I needed. I no longer have to worry about someone trying to hurt me or someone I love. I won't go to the police"

Caleb "He convinced you not to go to the police, didn't he?"

Hanna "No, I told you at the hospital that I didn't want to go to the police. You made me change my mind last night when I was scared and pretty upset. But now that I can think clearer, I don't want to do it. If I talk to the police, it will only be to make them take me out of the missing people list"

Caleb "Hanna, please. Just think-"

Hanna cuts him off. "Can we not do this right now? I don't have the energy to argue about this again" she tilts her head to the side, resting against the window.

Caleb takes another look at her. He still feels frustrated about the whole situation with Jordan, he just can't believe that Hanna still listens to him after all that happened, he is mad at her for paying so much attention to what the guy says. But she looks exhausted and so he decides to leave her alone for now, they can continue their conversation later. He doesn't have the energy either after all. He falls silent and just keeps driving.


It's around 4 pm in the afternoon when they finally get back at Hanna's.

There's a police car parked in front of the house.

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