Chapter 3

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That evening. Caleb is sitting on the porch, absent-minded, while having a beer.

Toby gets out of his pickup truck after parking. He is heading the front door of the house that he shares with his girlfriend when he spots Caleb. He goes and sits down next to him.

Toby "Hey!"

Caleb "Hey..."

Toby "Bad day? Too much work maybe?"

Caleb "No, I'm doing well with the house..." he says and takes a sip from his bottle of beer.

Toby "So?"

Caleb "Everything is fine" he hands Toby the bottle. He has a knot in his throat but he doesn't feel like talking to Toby about Chocolate and what just happened.

Toby takes the bottle and drinks some beer before handing it back. He knows Caleb is not doing so well, but he won't keep asking, he barely knows him after all, and he also knows it must be hard for Caleb to be back at his dead grandfather's house.

Spencer comes out from the house next door and approaches them.

Spencer "Hey Caleb" she greets him with a smile on her face.

Caleb "Hi..." he starts to say but doesn't remember her name.

Spencer "I'm Spencer"

Caleb "Hi, Spencer" he smiles slightly at her.

Spencer "Nice to see you again, I'm glad you are back"

Caleb "Thanks"

Spencer turns her gaze to Toby now "Hey, babe... we gotta get going"

Toby nods and looks at Caleb. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow... if you still want me to help you with the house and the renovations..."

Caleb "Sure! See you tomorrow" he forces a smile.

Toby stands up and starts walking away along with Spencer. But before they reach the pickup truck, the couple exchange a few words and then Toby approaches Caleb again.

Toby "Hey, Spencer and I are getting together with some friends... I thought you might join us if you want, we are meeting for dinner"

Caleb "Thank you, man... but I'd rather stay at home"

Toby "You sure? The guys are pretty cool, they won't mind if you join us tonight, come on, I'm sure you will have a really good time"

Caleb "I'm not really in the mood right now... maybe another day, but thank you anyway"

Toby "Okay, then... bye"

Caleb "Bye"


Hanna arrives in Alison's house, where all her friends are getting together for dinner. They are all already there and as always, Hanna is the last one to show up. Punctuality is not her thing. She stands at the front door and rings the doorbell. But although Jordan is not there accompanying her as he was supposed to, she's not alone, Chocolate is there by her side, and she couldn't be happier.

Emily opens the door and a huge smile appears on her face when she sees the dog "Han!! Is that...?"

Hanna nods "Yeah" she says, smiling even more than Emily. "It's Chocolate"

Emily "Oh my god!" she yells happily while hugging Hanna "When did you find him? and where? why didn't you tell me?" she asks when she pulls away from Hanna and then she hugs the dog and strokes his fur "Hi baby!"

Hanna "Well, actually, he was the one who found me and not the other way around... it was just today... and I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you all here"

It wasn't at first sightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant