Chapter 58

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Sunday evening.

Hanna enters Lucas' New York apartment, dragging the carry-on suitcase she took with her to Rosewood for the weekend. "Soooo, how's your weekend been?" She asks, amused. "Any news to share with me?"

Lucas grins back from the couch, pausing the movie he's watching.

Hanna "Oh my god, you got lucky. I can tell by your face." She teases him.

Lucas rolls his eyes but doesn't deny it.

Hanna laughs.

Lucas "I tried to copy your chicken parmesan... Thank god I started to cook early because I completely messed it up. It was disgusting. I had the chance to throw it away before she even arrived, so I just ordered something else."

Hanna smiles. "That's one of Caleb's specialties... I just made it the other day because I was feeling a little homesick. But it's his recipe, not mine. Anyway, I guess you did quite well seducing her in some other way if your date went as well as your face shows."

Lucas "Yeah... I guess things just flow pretty smoothly between us. I don't have to make an effort to seem interesting around her."

Hanna "I'm glad you found someone you feel so comfortable with, Lucas. I'm looking forward to meeting her." She says, giving him another smile. "Well, I'll go to bed... I have a Pilates class tomorrow morning."

Lucas "Did you have dinner yet? There's some pizza in the fridge."

Hanna "Yeah, I grabbed a sandwich. Thanks!" She responds before heading into her room.


Later on.

Hanna is lying in her bed when she finally picks up her phone and gives Caleb that long-awaited call.

Caleb "Hey! Finally!"

Hanna smiles. "Hey..."

Caleb "I thought you'd never call..."

Hanna "I did say I would."

Caleb "Took your time, though."

Hanna "But I did, didn't I?

Caleb "Uh huh... How was your day?"

Hanna "Boring... just a lazy Sunday. I only got back to New York a little while ago. Yours?"

Caleb "It was okay... I took Chocolate in my car, and we went for a hike in the woods."

Hanna "I'm sure he enjoyed himself."

Caleb "Yeah, he did..."

There's a moment of silence until Caleb changes the subject.

Caleb "Toby mentioned Spencer was over the moon with the wedding dress you made for her."

Hanna "Yeah, she looks stunning in it, Caleb... It still needs a few adjustments, but I'm really happy and relieved that she liked it so much. I wanted it to be perfect for her, you know? I'm glad I could create something special for her. Toby will die of love when he sees her walking down the aisle."

Caleb "Yeah, I'm sure he will." He sighs. "Can I ask you something?"

Hanna "About?"

Caleb "Us... or you, actually."

Hanna "You can ask, but I will only answer if I have a clear response to give you."

Caleb "Are you mad at me?"

Hanna "No. I was. But not anymore."

Caleb "Then why aren't you talking to me?"

Hanna "What do you mean? We are talking, aren't we?"

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