Chapter 23

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Morning after.

Hanna "Mmm... Caleb, Caleb" she moans against the skin of his shoulder. Electricity shooting through her body as she reaches her highest point of pleasure.

Caleb rests his forehead on the pillow, next to her head, as he makes his last movements while finally getting off as well.

He only stops and slides out of her once he doesn't hear Hanna's moans anymore, which means that she's finished too. Then he lies down on the mattress, pulling her onto him with his arms still wrapped around her.

What a great way to start her day, Hanna thinks as she relaxes in Caleb's embrace.

Hanna "Can you turn the air conditioner on, please? I'm too hot" she asks him a few seconds later, since it's another hot summer morning in Rosewood.

Caleb laughs. "Sure you are hot... hot like hell... but I don't think the air conditioner will help" he jokes while grabbing the remote of the air from the bedside table and then he turns it on.

Hanna only bites her bottom lip while smiling amused.

Caleb "What would you like for breakfast?"

Hanna "I'm not staying for breakfast, babe. I have to go"

Caleb "Why?"

Hanna "Because I need to take a shower and I didn't bring any clean clothes, I stopped by at my place before coming here and left my suitcase there... besides, I should go see my mom as well. She has a convention in London and she's leaving this evening. I want to go have lunch with her"

Caleb "Okay, but stay till noon at least. You can take a shower here and wear the same clothes as yesterday"

Hanna "I'm not wearing those again till noon" she says, staring at her panties that are on the floor in the exact spot where Caleb threw them before.

Caleb "You can borrow one of my boxers... I'm sure you would look sexy as fuck in them" he lowers one of his hands and squeezes her ass cheek.

Hanna smiles amused. "Fine. I'll stay till noon then" she raises her head from his chest and kisses him.



Hanna "Okay, I'll see you later then" she tells Caleb.

Caleb nods and walks her to the front door of his house.

Once they get to the door, Hanna turns around and takes his face in her hands.

Hanna "Bye, baby" she kisses him.

Caleb "Bye, babe" he answers after the kiss and opens the door for her.

Hanna "Let's go, Chocolate" she says and the dog follows her outside.

Not ready to let her go just yet, Caleb goes out of the house as well and pulls her into a hug.

Hanna chuckles and hugs him back. "I'll see you later" she pecks his lips and Caleb finally lets go of her.

Caleb watches her get into her car and then drive away before closing the door.


Hanna pulls into the driveway of her house and stops the car. After getting out, she goes open the rear door for Chocolate and then they get into the house together.

Some minutes later, a black car parks near her house, across the street. There are two men inside. After stopping the car, the driver takes his phone to his ear.

Man 1 "We just got to the address you sent me" he says after a few seconds.

George "Perfect. You are gonna have to wait there until you see her. I'm having trouble to track the GPS location of her phone. Did you receive the picture too?"

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