Chapter 48

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Morning after.

Caleb's alarm goes off on Hanna's bedside table. He opens his eyes, and the first thing he sees is Hanna's smiling face as she hovers over him.

Hanna "Morning, you, beautiful live-in partner of mine." She reaches out and turns off his alarm herself.

Caleb chuckles and closes his eyes again. "Morning, babe."

Hanna "So, when can I move in?"

Caleb "Right now." He tenderly says, still feeling sleepy. "How long have you been up?"

Hanna grins. "I neither deny nor affirm that I've been watching you sleep for like an hour." She starts caressing his bare chest softly. "Seriously, when can I move in?"

Caleb opens his eyes again. "Tomorrow?" He suggests, since it's Saturday and he knows Hanna will probably work anyway, but he won't. "Get your things ready, and I'll ask Toby if I can borrow his truck."

Hanna "Great!" She pecks his lips. "I don't have too many things anyway."

Caleb "Okay." He finally sits up. "Can I use the shower first so I can get going?"

Hanna "Sure."

Caleb finally gets up from the bed, presses a tender kiss on her forehead, and then he grabs a clean pair of boxers from his drawer before leaving her bedroom.


Hanna puts on her robe and heads downstairs. "Morning, mom." She greets Ashley after meeting her at the kitchen.

Ashley greets her with a smile. "Good morning, sweetie." She says, sipping her coffee.

Hanna "Didn't know you would come back so early." She says while checking the fridge.

Ashley "Ted just dropped me off."

Hanna "Ugh... we have nothing in here. I wanted to make some breakfast."

Ashley "Since when?"

Hanna "Caleb's here." She only says and Ashley instantly understands.

Ashley "There are some frozen waffles in the freezer." She suggests.

Hanna makes a disgusted face but grabs the waffles anyway. "I have some good news to tell you, mom." She opens a kitchen cabinet to get the toaster and places it on the countertop. Then, she stares at Ashley with a smile on her face. "I'm renting a place to open my own store, mom!"

Ashley "That's awesome news, Hanna!" she replies with excitement and smiles back.

Hanna "Yeah, I know. I've been reviewing my numbers with the accountant, and I can afford it now... I'll no longer drive you crazy." She laughs and puts the waffles in the toaster. "Anyway, that wasn't the big news, well, yes, but there's something else I wanna tell you..."

Ashley only stares at her, still smiling.

Hanna "I'm moving in with Caleb."

Ashley's response is a simple "Oh..." and then she falls silent. Hanna's news has taken her by surprise.

Hanna "Aren't you happy for me?" She asks confused at her unexpected reaction.

Ashley stands up from the table and approaches Hanna. "Yes, of course I'm happy for you. It just took me by surprise..." Her eyes become teary as she gets emotional. "But I guess it makes perfect sense."

Hanna tries to lighten the mood. "Are you really going to cry, mom? I thought you would celebrate or something like that... I'm telling you you'll have the whole house to yourself again." She adds a playful comment.

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