Chapter 54

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In the afternoon, Hanna is at her store, sitting at the checkout counter. She has made it her temporary desk to work on the tasks she needs to manage while keeping an eye on the store, as Lisa and Vanessa work on the dresses upstairs.

She's typing on her laptop when she hears someone entering. Lifting her gaze, she expects to find a new customer, but instead, she sees a familiar face.

Hanna "Hey, Chloe!"

Chloe "Hey!"

Hanna "What are you doing here?" She asks, a tinge of concern in her voice. "Please tell me the other test came out negative."

Chloe "Of course it was negative. I'd have vanished to China if it hadn't. I'd sooner run away than break such news to my parents. But anyway, everything's fine, and I've learned my lesson."

Hanna "I'm glad to hear that, Chlo... Why did you come by then?" She asks again.

Chloe "I bumped into Caleb yesterday, and he mentioned you had to let Sydney go."

Hanna "Really? What did he tell you?"

Chloe "Not much, just that she was having a pretty bad attitude and you had no other choice... I never really liked her anyway." She says while taking off her coat. "Go take care whatever you need to take care of upstairs. I'll stay here."

Hanna looks at her, confused.

Chloe "I'm here to help you, Han."

Hanna "What? No! Did Caleb asked you to-"

Chloe "Yes." She cuts her off. "But I'm not here because he asked me too. I'm here because I want to help you."

Hanna "No, Chloe. I can't let you waste your time here. Go be with Zeth, do your homework, or whatever you have to do to get into college."

Chloe "Zeth's hanging out with his friends today. And I'll just come help you after school for a couple of days. I'm sure you are already looking for a new salesperson."

Hanna "You don't have to do this, Chloe."

Chloe "I know. I want to. You helped me the other day. I'll help you now. We are friends, aren't we?"

Hanna chuckles. "Thought I was too old to be your friend."

Chloe laughs. "I'll make an exception because you are too cool."

Hanna grins. "Thank you, Chloe, for being here." She says while gathering her things from the counter to go upstairs.

Chloe "No problem." She smiles back.


The rest of the day goes by without any surprises for Hanna, which is quite an achievement considering it's the first day she's reopened the store after the stock crisis and without Sydney attending to the store. Nevertheless, she still stays late, organizing things for the following day. She has interviews scheduled with potential replacements for Sydney and expects to be busy for several hours. After leaving the designs she wants Lisa and Vanessa to work on the next day on their desks, she finally heads home.

Hanna "Hey!" She greets Caleb, who is sitting on the couch

Caleb "Hey." He greets her back, still focused on the laptop on his lap.

Hanna "Did you have dinner already?"

Caleb "Yeah."

Hanna "Okay... Where's Chocolate?"

Caleb "In the backyard, he was driving me crazy." He finally looks up at her.

Hanna "Well, it's the first day without Zeth walking him. He must have an excess of energy."

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