Chapter 9

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The morning after.

Caleb's phone starts to ring waking them up.

Hanna opens her eyes just in time to see Caleb getting up from the couch and walking toward the bedside table at the other side of the bed where she is lying to grab his phone.

Caleb "Sorry, Han... go back to sleep" he says and answers the call. "Hey, Toby..." he says while going into the bathroom.

Five minutes later, he comes out and finds Hanna still lying on the bed although she's awake.

Hanna "You cheated! You moved to the couch when I was asleep" she smiles at him.

Caleb smiles back. "Yeah..."

Hanna "I told you it was okay"

Caleb "You were drunk"

Hanna "I meant it" she says while taking her phone.

Caleb shrugs and goes sit on the edge of the bed.

Hanna checks her phone looking for a text from Jordan, but all that she has are a couple missed calls from her mom and some texts from Sean which she opens and reads.

Hanna "This guy is needier than I thought" she says with her eyes still on her phone screen.

Caleb "Sean again?" he asks amused.

Hanna "Yeah, I should have made sure that he saw this" she says while raising her hand to point at her ring but when she looks at her hand, there's no ring on her finger. "Fuck! My ring!" she says and jumps off the bed. "Shit! I lost my ring!"

Caleb "Hey, it's okay, you had it last night, it must be somewhere in this room"

Hanna "How would you know?" she asks desperate.

Caleb "I remember seeing it on your finger last night after we got back, chill" of course he remembers that fucking ring, it reminds him of what he can't have every time he sees it.

Caleb stands up from the bed to help her look for it.

Hanna "Gosh! I can't believe this! What am I supposed to tell Jordan?" she says as she kneels down on the floor to look for the tiny object.

Caleb "Hey! Calm down! We are going to find it!"


Half an hour later, they have turned the room upside down without any result. And Hanna is getting more nervous as the minutes go by.

Caleb "Look, Han... I gotta go because I'm supposed to meet up with the contractor and Toby at my house in like fifteen minutes... but don't worry, that ring is somewhere in here and we are gonna find it" he approaches her and places his hands on her shoulders, making eye contact with her.

Hanna "Jordan will flip out if I tell him that I lost that ring" she says with teary eyes.

Caleb "I'm sure you are more important to him than a freakin' ring... and again, we are going to find it" he leans in and presses a kiss on her forehead. "Chill out, Han... stay here as long as you want, but don't drive yourself crazy, fine? I'll be back later to help you look for it"

Hanna only nods.

Caleb presses another kiss on her cheek before he takes his hands off her shoulders and walks toward the door. "And please, don't light up any cigarette. That shit is not good for you" he says, knowing that she's still a little nervous.

Hanna nods again.

Caleb "Call me if you need anything" he adds after opening the door.

Hanna "Thank you"

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