Chapter 64

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Some months later.

Hanna wakes up to the sound of an unfamiliar alarm going off, one that isn't hers or Caleb's.

Spencer "Wake up, Hanna Banana!" She hits Hanna with a pillow. "Your big day's here!"

Hanna "Ugh... Should have shared the bed with Em..." She mutters, still half-asleep, knowing that just like herself, Emily isn't a morning person either.

Emily "Well! I'm just as excited as Spence today!" She says, climbing onto the bed as well and throwing herself on top of Hanna. "Wake up, Han! You are getting married today!" She tells her excitedly while hugging her, resting her head on Hanna's back.

Alison "Is there some room for me too?" She asks, climbing over the foot of the king-size bed and settling herself on her feet with her knees bent. "Wake up, Han! It's past eleven already!" She grabs one of Hanna's ankles that is uncovered by the sheets and gives her a gentle shake.

Hanna chuckles from underneath Emily. "Okay, fine. I'm awake. Move away, Em!"

Emily shifts to sit on the mattress between Hanna and Spencer.

Hanna "Morning, guys!" She says, rolling onto her back with a smile on her face.

Hanna, Emily, Alison, and Spencer have spent the night in a room at the Radley after having a girls' night there, which Aria shared with them too, but then left for the night to go back home to her almost four-month-old baby.

Spencer "Morning, bride!" She smiles at Hanna.

Hanna grins while staring at the ceiling. "Can't believe I'm actually getting married today."

Emily "Are you nervous?"

Hanna "Not really." She looks at her. "I actually can't wait for the ceremony."

Alison "What time are the makeup artist and the hairstylist coming?" She asks Spencer.

Spencer "After lunch." She answers, stretching her arms out.

Emily "I'm hungry... let's get some room service."

Alison "Oh, yeah! I'm up for a brunch too."

Hanna "I think I'm not hungry for the first time in my life." She smiles.

Spencer chuckles. "You say that now, but I know you'll dig in the food when the room service arrives."

Hanna chuckles. "I might."

Emily "I need to pee." She says, getting out of the bed.

There's a knock on the door.

Alison "I'll get it." She says, already standing up from the bed, and heads to the living room area of the suite to answer the door.

A few seconds later, Aria shows up in there too.

Aria "Morning, bride!"

Hanna grins. "Hey! You came back!" She sits up.

Aria "Yeah, and I'm not alone." She says, hugging Hanna, as Alison makes her way into the room with baby Dante in her arms.

Spencer "Oh! Bring that baby here!"

Alison approaches the bed and places the baby in between Spencer and Hanna.

Hanna "Hey there, Dantie baby!" She sweetly greets him, taking one of his little hands.

Spencer "Morning, auntie's sweet baby boy." She leans in and kisses his forehead.

Dante's face lights up with a toothless grin as he excitedly kicks his legs and waves his arms in response to Hanna's and Spencer's cheerful greetings.

It wasn't at first sightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum