Chapter 21

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Hanna "Babe, I just arrived. I'm already at the hotel. What are you up to? How's Chocolate?" she texts Caleb after plopping down on the bed in her hotel room.

Caleb "On our way back" he only types and adds a pic of Chocolate lying on the back seat of his car.

Hanna "Okay, don't text while driving. I'm ordering room service and then I'm going straight to bed, I'm exhausted. Talk to you tomorrow! Xx" she puts her phone down and takes the room phone to order something for dinner.


Next day.

Hanna stops her car at the entrance gate of Jordan's father's mansion. She gets out of the car and goes ring the doorbell.

"Hello?" a voice comes out from the intercom.

Hanna "Hello. It's me, Hanna Marin" she says and looks at the security camera that she knows it's right above.

"Oh, Hanna! Welcome back, dear! Jordan didn't tell us that you were coming. Please, come in" Hanna can recognize Eloise's voice, the housekeeper.

The gate opens, so Hanna gets back in her car and drives her way to the mansion entrance where she parks. Once she gets to the front door, Eloise is already standing there, waiting for her.

Eloise "Hanna! Nice to see you again!" she greets her with a smile on her face and moves to the side to let her in.

Hanna smiles back. "Hi, Eloise" she says while going into the house. "Nice to see you too"

Eloise "I'll send someone to get your baggage immediately"

Hanna "Oh, that's not necessary, I didn't bring any. I'm only passing through... Is Jordan here?"

Eloise "I'm afraid Mr. Hobart is not in the city at the moment..."

Hanna "Do you know when he is coming back?"

Eloise shakes her head no. "I'm sorry, they travel all the time, you already know. I couldn't tell you when he will be back"

Hanna gives her a slight nod.

Eloise "Do you need anything? Can I help you with something, Hanna?" she asks, since it seems strange to her that Hanna, being Jordan's fiancée, doesn't know about his

travel schedule.

Hanna "Mmm... I don't-... Actually, can I give you my phone number and can you let me know when Jordan is back?"

Eloise "Yes, sure"

Hanna goes through her purse and then she takes out a piece of paper and a pen and she writes down her number. Then, she hands it to Eloise.

Hanna "Thank you, Eloise"

Eloise "No problem"

Hanna "Well, I should go now..."

Eloise nods and opens the front door for Hanna. But as soon as she steps outside, Hanna spots Jordan's father getting out of a black car and right after him, George shows up as well, over the other side of the car.

Jordan's father "Hanna! What a surprise!" he says excitedly while walking toward her.

Hanna does her best and fakes a smile, even though all she thinks at that very moment is "Shit, shit, shit"

Hanna "Hi, Mr. Hobart"

Jordan's father "Please, Hanna, just call me Frank"

Hanna "Yes, sorry... I forgot" she apologizes, since he has asked her to call him by his first name several times already.

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