Chapter 15

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Hanna gets into her bedroom after having taken a shower. After Caleb dropped her off at her house, she had lunch with Ashley and Ted. And now, wearing her pajamas and exhausted after the amazing night that she had with Caleb after Camp Mona, she's about to take a nap when her phone starts to ring on her bed. She smiles and rushes to grab it, thinking that it could be Caleb, since he is supposed to call her, but after a quick look at the screen, she finds out that it's Emily.

Hanna "Hey, Em" she greets her friend while sitting down on the edge of the bed where Chocolate is already napping peacefully.

Emily "Hey..." she greets her back and Hanna can notice a hint of sadness in her voice.

Hanna "You okay?"

Emily "Uh huh" she only says.

Hanna "You don't sound good"

Emily "I was just calling to see how went your night... You were nowhere to be found" she changes the subject.

Hanna "Yeah, I just... Well, I was the third wheel there with you and Ali, I went for a drink, I hung out with Mona for a while, then I ran into Sean and Noel... and Caleb found me later and took me home" she lies.

Emily "You worried us, you could have answered your phone"

Hanna "Yeah, I know, Caleb told me that you were looking for me... my phone was on silent into my purse, I didn't realize. Anyway, are you okay, Em? What's going on?" she asks again.

Emily sighs. "Well... it's just that... Ali and I had a fight last night when we got back at her place... and it was a huge one. I took a cab back to my mom's"

Hanna "Oh... you two seemed so good at the party... I'm sorry to hear that, Em... I'm sure you will make up, you always do..."

Emily "I don't know, Han... I... I asked her for some space, but I think that's not enough, I think we should take a break or something, I don't know"

Hanna hears her friend's voice crack. "Do you want me to come over? Wanna talk?"

Emily "I'm not sure if I want to talk... but I could use some company..."

Hanna "Okay, I'm coming over" she says while getting up from the bed.

As much as she needs a nap, she changes her pajamas for some clothes and leaves her comfortable bed and her cuddly dog behind to go with her friend.


Hanna "You sure you don't want to talk?" she asks Emily.

Since Hanna got there, Emily has been crying her eyes out, and it's been an hour. They are in Emily's bedroom, lying on the bed. Hanna is half sitting, resting on the pillows and Emily is curled up into a ball, lying on her side next to Hanna.

Emily nods and wipes her tears off for the hundredth time. Hanna hands her another tissue. "It's just the same as always, Ali is always trying to meddle in things that are out of her concern, and I am done... I just don't want her to go back to her old habits, I know she has changed, she means well now, but it still bothers me the way she wants to control everything... and there are some other things that aren't going so well too, besides, she said some things that hurt me last night... but I don't want to talk, I need to cool off"

Hanna "You will work things out, I know you will, you love each other so much"

Emily "I hope so... Breaking up with her crossed my mind for a moment, that's why I left her house" she uses the tissue that Hanna just gave her to wipe her tears off once more.

Hanna nods and looks up to the ceiling.

Emily "You okay, though?"

Hanna "Yeah"

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