Chapter 17

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Next morning.

When Caleb wakes up and opens his eyes, Hanna is no longer in the bed, neither is Chocolate.

Caleb "Hanna?" he calls for her but gets no answer, so he stretches his arms and checks the time on his phone before getting up from the bed.

He goes grab his jeans from the chair where he left them the night before and he finds his t-shirt there as well, the one that Hanna wore for bed. After getting dressed and using the bathroom, he goes downstairs to look for Hanna, and he finds her in the kitchen, sitting at the table, already dressed and with her hair wet, after a shower he thinks.

Caleb "Hey" he greets her, making her look up at him.

Hanna "Morning, baby" she greets back, with a huge smile on her face.

Caleb "What are you doing?" he asks while taking a look at the table. He sees her sketchbook in front of her.

Hanna "Just putting down on paper a few ideas that came to my mind this morning... I woke up pretty early and couldn't go back to sleep"

Caleb smiles. "You should have woken me up" he says while getting closer to her. "With a kiss, maybe"

Hanna smiles too. "I'll keep that in mind for next time"

Caleb leans forward and connects their lips, starting a gentle kiss. He wraps an arm around her and makes her stand up. He sits down on her chair himself, just to pull her down onto his lap after, never breaking the kiss. He keeps his arms around her waist and she wraps hers around his neck.

Caleb "Will you let me take a look this time?" he asks after pulling away from her lips, gesturing toward Hanna's sketchbook with his gaze.

Hanna nods and presses a kiss on his temple. He unwraps an arm from her waist and takes it. He goes through the pages, paying attention to each design on them. After a while, he looks up at Hanna.

Caleb "They are really good, Han"

Hanna smiles. "You say that only because I am the one who made them"

Caleb smiles too. "Well, I told you that I know nothing about fashion, but I guess I could distinguish a good dress from an ugly one... besides, I just picture them on you and I can tell that they are amazing"

Hanna "It doesn't count"

Caleb chuckles. "I guess it doesn't..." he agrees. "I would like you even if you wore the most hideous dress ever... I loved seeing you in my Camp Mona t-shirt"

Hanna laughs. She takes his face between her hands and starts to smooch him. Caleb smiles amused against her mouth and Hanna takes advantage of that slight opening of his mouth to slide her tongue in. They are so focused on kissing that they don't hear the front door open or the steps approaching.

Ashley freezes in her tracks as soon as she gets into the kitchen and her eyes catch Hanna and Caleb.

Hanna pulls back from Caleb's mouth right away. "Oh, hey, mom..." she says a little embarrassed while taking her hand to her mouth.

Caleb looks way more embarrassed than Hanna. "Hi, Ashley" he only says.

Ashley tries to hold back an amused smile but fails. "Good morning" she says and lays her purse on the kitchen island.

Hanna moves from Caleb's lap to the chair next to him.

Ashley "What a storm last night! The power went out at Ted's. Was everything okay here?" she asks, trying to make some conversation as she pours herself a cup of the coffee that Hanna made a while ago.

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