Chapter 37

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Next Day.

Sunday afternoon.

Caleb rings the doorbell at Toby's and after a little while, Ezra answers the door.

Ezra "Hi, man" he greets Caleb. "Come in, we are upstairs"

They go upstairs and then to the baby's room where Toby is unpacking a huge package that Caleb assumes it's the crib.

Caleb "Let me help you" he says and grabs the top part of the package so Toby can open it more easily. "Where's Spence?"

Toby shrugs. "She left this morning. She took my truck"

Ezra chuckles. "She's trying to get rid of that old truck at all costs, huh?" he jokes.

But Toby remains serious. "She is not trying to get rid of anything"

Ezra "Maybe she is throwing it off a cliff right now" he goes on.

Toby "She gave me that truck as a present. She only wants me to be able to take the baby with me if necessary and I can't do that in that truck. That's all" he makes it clear.

Ezra "Chill, I was just kidding, buddy"

Caleb "Is everything okay?" He asks Toby. It's obvious that he is in a bad mood and that's just so unlike him.

Toby "Spencer and I had a fight last night. She made me sleep on the couch" he says while taking one of the pieces of the crib.

Caleb "Oh..." he only says and is about to change the subject not to meddle in Toby and Spencer's relationship issues, but Toby speaks again. It seems like he wants to talk.

Toby "She got mad at me because I told her I had to work at night this week too. She was furious... I can't help it, it's my job. I'm a freaking cop, of course I have to take night shifts sometimes. She is driving me nuts, guys. This pregnancy thing and its mood swings are just taking us apart. Sometimes I don't even recognize her, she gets so irrational. I mean, it's my job we are talking about. It's not like I'm going out at night for fun"

Caleb wants to say something, but he really doesn't know what to say. It's like he has no idea what to say because he has no idea what Toby is going through. Luckily for him, Ezra seems more knowledgeable in the subject and takes the word.

Ezra "She is pregnant, man. You need to be patient... And she is barely on her first trimester, for what I have heard, months of mood swings await you. Just get a more comfortable couch and try to make it through the pregnancy in one piece" he pats Toby's shoulder.

Toby "Yeah, well... I just hope it gets better at some point... maybe when the baby finally comes"

Ezra "Sure it will. You will forget about everything the moment you see that baby"

The guys keep talking about random things as they put the crib together. And when they are done with it, they start working on the baby dresser.

Toby "So, Caleb... aren't you planning to go to California before summer ends?" he asks at some point while adjusting a screw.

Caleb looks at him confused.

Toby "Aren't you gonna introduce Hanna to your family?"

Caleb doesn't get it at first, but then he understands. Toby is talking about the family he made up not to make his grandfather feel bad for his shitty childhood. The adoptive family that his grandfather died thinking he had back in California.

Caleb "I have no family in California"

Toby "What do you mean? Your grandpa told me about them. My dad invited him over for Christmas a couple of years ago because he said you couldn't come here because you were in Cali with your fam"

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