Triumph of the Willing

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Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price
For those who will climb and fall, get bruised and sacrifice
Those who will keep going, strive and never give in
Who know that the prize is worth all of the spin

For every victory won, there were sleepless nights and pain
There were hours of training and endless days of strain
There were moments of weakness and times of doubt
But the willing kept pushing, striving to whittle it out

Victory isn't easy, it's never served on a plate
It takes grit and determination to mold our fate
It demands we get up again when we take a fall
It requires we give it our all and heed to the call

The path to victory is long and riddled with traps
At times it seems like hope is gone, and our energy saps
It's easy to give up, to walk away and say it's not meant to be
But true captors of victory find strength in the will to see

For there is something magical in the human spirit
When we dig deep within, we find courage and merit
We rise above obstacles, and we conquer all fears
We hold onto our belief, and we wipe away the tears

For when we're willing to pay the price of victory
When we take on the challenge with steadfast unity
We become more than we were before, stronger in our core
We become warriors of our fate, seeking an open door

So if you aspire to be a champion of your life
If you want to experience the thrill of cutting through strife
Know that victory is reserved for those who are willing to fight
For those who take on challenges with all their might

Conquerors of victory know the worth of the prize
They embrace the journey, they never compromise
They keep their eyes on the goal, and they remain steadfast
They know that anything is possible when driven by a passionate blast

For it's not the size of the obstacle that stands in our way
It's the size of our hearts that enables us to sway
It's the willing spirit that allows us to rise
It's the unshakable will that makes us reach for the skies

So rise up with courage, take on victory's fight
Embrace the journey with all your might
Conquer yourself, your fears, and your doubts
Be the true captor of victory, and live without limits or bounds.

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