A Broken Record

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Thinking about yesterday's pain

Led me down a path of despair

My mind, a prisoner of the past

Unable to escape from the snare

Days turned into weeks, then months

Yet the memories remained the same

A constant reminder of what was lost

Leaving my heart heavy with shame

I tried to move on, to find my peace

But the pain continued to haunt

My mind dwelling on every detail

A vicious cycle I couldn't daunt

I lost sight of the beauty around me

The simple joys that make life worthwhile

Caught up in an endless loop

Of sorrow, regret, and denial

I forgot how to smile, to laugh

To enjoy the present moment's bliss

A slave to my own misery

That had become impossible to dismiss

A life once filled with love and light

Now darkened by my own torment

I was suffocating under the weight

Of my own self-imposed punishment

But then one day, in a moment of clarity

I realized, I held the key

To unlock the chains that bound me

And to finally set myself free

I made the decision to let go

Of yesterday's pain and despair

To embrace the present, with open arms

With a heart determined to repair

It wasn't easy, the road was long

But with each step, I gained strength

My mind finally able to focus

On all the beauty I had missed

The world was once again alive

With colors, music, and light

I rediscovered the simple joys

And felt my spirit take flight

No longer a prisoner of the past

I could finally embrace the day

I felt alive, filled with hope

And determined not to lose my way

Now when I look back on yesterday's pain

I see it as a lesson to learn

That sometimes in order to find true happiness

We must first let go of our concern

Let go of the chains that bind you

And embrace the beauty of today

For life is too short to waste

On a past that's slipped away.

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