Boldly Soar

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What good are wings without the courage to fly

Just feathers and bones that never touch the sky

A life on the ground, safe but dull and dry

A yearning for more, but afraid to try

The wind whispers secrets of freedom and height

A beckoning call to take off in flight

To rise above troubles and lift out of sight

And soar through the clouds on wings of might

But fear grips tightly, pulling downward with force

A nagging voice that says "you're not enough, of course"

Doubts and uncertainties, they will stay the course

And keep you from reaching your destined source

Yet deep within a spark flickers and glows

A seed of courage waiting to unfurl and grow

A determination to break free from what's below

To rise to the heavens, to fly, and to glow

The journey begins with one step at a time

A stretching of wings, a choice to climb

Above the doubts, above the fears that bind

To find the courage and freedom in your mind

The first leap is the hardest, a test of your will

A plunge into the unknown, a moment to thrill

The rush of the wind, the tingle and chill

As your wings beat strong and you soar, at will

At first, it's uncertain, you wobble and weave

The feel of the currents, the pow'r to achieve

But soon you find rhythm, a balance to perceive

And before you know it, you're flying with ease

High above it all, the world is a scene

A patchwork of landscapes, ever so green

The sun rising and setting, a painted sheen

A beauty and wonder that can never be seen

Your wings carry you further, up among the stars

The universe opens, a canvas to explore

From planets to galaxies, forever we soar

Breathless and mesmerized, to the very core

What good are wings without the courage to fly

They're a symbol of promise, a reason to try

To be all you can be, to reach for the sky

And boldly soar, through a limitless high.

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