Drown My Thoughts

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If I sit in the rain
Maybe I can drown
In something else
Other than my thoughts

My mind is a battlefield
A place where my thoughts
Fight for dominance
And I am left fighting
With no protection

Sometimes I feel like
I am drowning
In my own sea of thoughts
Crashing waves pull me under
Making it hard to breathe
I try to swim to the surface
But my mind is powerful

So, if I sit in the rain
Maybe I can drown
My thoughts will slip away
Into the puddles at my feet
And I can finally find peace

The raindrops fall
A symphony of sound
Filling my ears with their music
I close my eyes and listen
As the drops hit the pavement
Creating a symphony of rhythm

My mind begins to slow
As I focus on the sound
The raindrops wash away
My worries and doubts
I am at peace
A moment of serenity

I feel my toes getting wet
As the rain soaks through my shoes
But I don't care
I am lost in the moment
I am free

The world around me
Fades away
The only thing that exists
Is the rain
The rain that is freeing me

I can feel my mind
Being cleansed
Washed away by the rain
I am being reborn

The rain is my sanctuary
A place where my thoughts
Cannot reach me
A place where I can be free

As the rain begins to slow
I feel a sense of calm
My mind is at ease
For now, at least

If I sit in the rain
Maybe I can drown
In something else
Other than my thoughts
And for a moment
I am at peace.

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