Untold Pain

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Be gentle, dear world, for every heart hides many wounds that never bleed,
Deep rooted in the depths of our being, with pain, suffering, and agony all agreed.

We carry them around, like a badge of courage, with pride and dignity in every stride,
But under our skin and in our whispers, they exist, waiting for us to confide.

Some wounds are born from the loss of love, from breakups, divorces, and shattered dreams,
Leaving a hollow heart that bleeds silently, with nothing there but shattered seams.

Some wounds are born from the mocking eyes of society, that judges our every move,
Leaving us feeling unworthy, on the outside, and unable to fully groove.

Some wounds were born from childhood, with the shadows of abuse tracing each step,
Leaving us with a distorted reality, where love and trust went out the door, and we were kept.

Some wounds are born from the pain of isolation, where we feel like no one understands,
Leaving us with a sense of loneliness and despair that we often try to reprimand.

Some wounds were born from the scars of war, with the trauma and tears woven deep,
Leaving us with PTSD and depression, that we struggle with endlessly to keep.

Some wounds were born from the crushing weight of expectations, laid out before us,
That we couldn't keep up with, leaving us with nothing but the pain of failure, that's porous.

Some wounds were born from the loss of a loved one, with their memory still vivid and raw,
Leaving us with nothing but the emptiness, that we pray every day, we can withdraw.

Be gentle, dear world, for every heart hides many wounds that never bleed,
Yet we keep them buried inside, afraid to show our hurt and in fear to impede.

We fear judgment, ridicule, and criticism, so we hide behind masks of perfection,
And hope that no one notices the fractures, that line our hearts with imperfection.

But instead, let us release the pain, the hurt, and the tears that we've held so long,
And let them flow freely, like a river of emotions that we've denied for so long.

It's time to be gentle with ourselves, to be kind and compassionate, to embrace our untold pain,
And let our wounded hearts heal, so we can step into the light, and be free once again.

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