Unseen Self

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Who are you when nobody's watching?
When the curtains are drawn and the lights are out,
When the world is fast asleep and the night is quiet,
Who are you then?
Do you become a different person,
or do you remain the same?
Do you let your guard down and let yourself be seen,
or do you hide behind a facade of perfection?

When nobody's watching,
You are free to be yourself,
To let your true self emerge from the shadows,
To explore the depths of your soul,
And find out who you really are.
You can laugh, cry, sing, dance,
Or do anything that makes you feel alive,
Without fear of judgment or ridicule.

Who are you when nobody's watching?
Are you the same person you are in public,
Or are you a completely different entity?
Do you have secrets that you keep hidden,
Or do you wear your heart on your sleeve?
We all have a hidden self,
A side of us that only comes out in private,
A part that we keep guarded and protected.

When nobody's watching,
You have the chance to peel back the layers,
And reveal the true essence of yourself,
The parts that are hidden from sight.
You can explore the dark corners of your mind,
And face the fears that scare you the most,
You can challenge yourself to be more than you thought possible,
And step outside your comfort zone.

Who are you when nobody's watching?
Are you a dreamer, a lover, a free spirit?
Are you a rebel, a warrior, an artist?
Whatever you are, let it shine through,
And don't be afraid to be different.
You are a unique individual,
With your own personality, quirks, and flaws,
And that's what makes you beautiful.

When nobody's watching,
You can let your soul take flight,
And soar to heights you never thought possible,
You can embrace your passions and desires,
And chase the dreams that make your heart sing.
You can be whoever you want to be,
And nobody can stand in your way.

Who are you when nobody's watching?
You are more than just a face in the crowd,
More than just a name on a piece of paper,
You are a complex, multifaceted being,
Full of life, love, and wonder.
So embrace the person you are when nobody's watching,
And let that person shine through,
For in those unguarded moments,
You are truly free.

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