When Excuses Die, Results Thrive

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When I lost my excuses,
I found my results,
A truth that left me dumbfounded,
A revelation that jolted my soul,
Like a lightning strike on a warm, sunny day.

For so long, I had been shrouded in excuses,
Wrapping myself in flimsy justifications,
Selling myself short of what I could be,
Excuses that lulled me to sleep,
Numbed my senses, and robbed me of my potential.

But the day I cast my excuses aside,
A new world opened up before me,
A world filled with limitless possibilities,
A world where I could be the best version of myself,
A world where success was not an illusion.

In that world, I saw my true worth,
I saw the greatness that had always been within me,
I felt my confidence surge,
And a fire ignited in my belly,
A fire that burned brightly and illuminated my path.

I stopped blaming others for my failures,
I shed the victim mentality that held me back,
I embraced responsibility for my actions,
And made a commitment to myself,
To become the architect of my destiny.

I took up the gauntlet and started making moves,
Small steps at first, then bolder ones,
I pushed myself out of my comfort zone,
Conquered my fear of failure,
And emerged stronger, wiser, and more determined.

I knew that success would not come easy,
That I would stumble, fall, and get back up,
That the road ahead would be filled with obstacles,
But I was ready to face them head-on,
With a strength and resilience that I never knew existed.

I found solace in hard work,
In the sweat that soaked my brows,
In the burn that coursed through my muscles,
In the satisfaction that came from a job well done,
In the knowledge that I was making progress.

And as I worked, I discovered something magical,
Something that I had never known before,
I found joy in the journey,
In the process of becoming,
In the growth that came from each step.

And so, When I lost my excuses,
I found my results,
Not just tangible results,
But results that were intangible,
That filled me with a sense of purpose,
A sense of fulfillment,
And a sense of accomplishment.

For now, I am on the path to greatness,
A path that I forged with my own two hands,
A path that belongs to me,
And me alone.

So here's to those who are still searching,
Who are looking for a way to succeed,
Who are mired in excuses and self-doubt,
Take heart and know this:
When excuses die, results thrive.

Success is not a privilege,
It's not reserved for the select few,
It's a birthright that belongs to all,
And it can be yours too,
If you're willing to let go of your excuses,
And embrace your destiny.

For when you lose your excuses,
You will find your results,
And in those results,
You will find the greatness
That has always been within you

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