A Never Ending Battle

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That's what the world is, after all
An endless battle of contrasting memories
We struggle to remember the past
While the present slips away like sand through our hands

Some memories are light and happy
They make us smile and fill our hearts with warmth
Others are dark and heavy
They drag us down, leaving us to drown

The tug of war between memories never ceases
And we find ourselves caught in the middle
Trying to balance the good and the bad
Hoping that one day, the pain will fade

But memories are like a double-edged sword
We can't have one without the other
The sweet moments we cherish
Are often the same ones that haunt us the most

That's what makes it so hard
To move forward and let go
We cling to the past, hoping to hold onto
The people, the places, the moments we once knew

But time marches on without a care
And we are left to face the truth
That the past is gone, and all we have left
Are the memories we hold so close to our hearts

So we fight this never-ending battle
Between the good and the bad
Holding onto the sweet moments
While trying to forget the sad

But the tug of war continues
And we struggle to keep our balance
Lost in a sea of memories
Trying to find our place in this world

At times we feel like we're drowning
Overwhelmed by the weight of it all
But then we find a moment of peace
A ray of light to guide us through the darkness

And it's in those moments that we realize
The beauty of memories both light and dark
For without the pain, we wouldn't cherish
The moments of joy that break through the dark

So we'll keep fighting this never-ending battle
Between the good and the bad
And hope that we'll find some peace
In this tug of war between memories.

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