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Sometimes you have to forget what's gone,
The memories that weigh you down,
The pain that lingers on and on;
You have to lose the tether of yesterday,
To find the freedom of tomorrow.

Sometimes you have to let go of the past,
The people who left you brokenhearted,
The dreams that faded away too fast;
You have to embrace the beauty of now,
To discover the magic of what's to come.

Sometimes you have to forgive yourself,
For the mistakes you made and the tears you shed,
For the moments you wished you were someone else;
You have to believe in the power of love,
To heal the wounds and lift you above.

Sometimes you have to trust your heart,
The voice inside that whispers your truth,
The flame that ignites when things fall apart;
You have to follow the path of your soul,
To find the purpose and make yourself whole.

Sometimes you have to face the unknown,
The darkness that shrouds your hopes and fears,
The challenge that calls you to grow and hone;
You have to dare to explore the depths,
To discover the treasures that life begets.

Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith,
The leap that defies your doubts and regrets,
The leap that opens new doors of grace;
You have to embrace the mystery of life,
To find the joy and banish the strife.

Sometimes you have to remember who you are,
The flame that burns inside your core,
The strength that carries you near and far;
You have to stand in your own light,
To shine and make the world bright.

Sometimes you have to forget what's gone,
And welcome what's yet to be born;
Sometimes you have to let go of the known,
And dive into the infinite morn;
Sometimes you have to trust the unknown,
And thrive in the adventure of being reborn.

Don't be afraid to start anew,
To shed the old and embrace the true;
Don't be afraid to rise and pursue,
To claim the life that's waiting for you;
For sometimes you have to forget what's gone,
Appreciate what still remains,
And look forward to what's coming next,
To live the art of letting go and shine your best.

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