Journey of Trust

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Trust takes time and time takes trust
The foundation of any bond we must
For like the roots of a tree so strong
The trust we build can last so long

We begin with strangers we meet
A simple smile, a friendly greet
Small talks that lead to deep stories
And sharing secrets of past glories

The more we talk, the more we learn
The more we understand and discern
The complexities and the simplicities
Of the vastness of human entities

But trust is not just a one-way street
We also have to be open and meet
Halfway, to build that lasting bond
That can withstand any wave or pond

We have to be vulnerable and true
Letting others see us through and through
For in our imperfections lies our beauty
And in our struggles, our strength and ability

But trust is not given but earned
It can be destroyed, tarnished or burned
By the actions or words we choose
Or the paths we take or refuse

Trust takes time and time takes trust
We have to work hard and adjust
To the ebbs and flows of life
And the challenges that causes strife

But in the end, it's all worth it
For the bonds we build, we won't regret
The laughter, the tears, and the memories
Are the gems in the trove of our stories

So let us take this journey of trust
With patience, resilience, and much must
For in the end, it's not about the destination
But the relationships we build with elation.

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