Living In The Present

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Live for what today has to offer,

Not for what yesterday has taken away.

For yesterday is but a memory,

And tomorrow is but a dream.

The present is all we have,

A precious gift to be cherished.

For life is a fleeting moment,

And time passes us by in a blur.

The art of living in the present,

Is to savour each moment and breathe.

To be mindful of every sensation,

And to let go of all worries and fears.

Let us embrace the beauty of life,

And all the wonders it has to offer.

Let us feel the warmth of the sun,

And the gentle touch of the breeze.

Let us find joy in the simple things,

Like a smile from a stranger or a flower on a path.

Let us be grateful for every moment,

And all the blessings we may have.

For the past cannot be changed,

And the future is yet to come.

So let us focus on the here and now,

And live life to the fullest each day.

Let us dance in the rain and sing in the sun,

And laugh with our loved ones till our bellies ache.

Let us find purpose in the moment,

And not wait for tomorrow to arrive.

For every day is a new beginning,

A chance to start fresh and anew.

So let us seize the day and make it count,

And leave our mark on the world.

Life is meant to be lived,

And love is meant to be shared.

So let us be kind to one another,

And live for what today has to offer.

Let us not dwell on the past or worry about tomorrow,

But live in the present and enjoy the ride.

For life is a gift to be savoured,

And every moment is a miracle.

Take a deep breath and close your eyes,

And feel the beat of your heart.

Let the rhythm guide you,

And live for what today has to offer.

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