Search For Love And Friendship

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Is it harder to find true love or a real friend?
A question that haunts, and never seems to end.
Two elusive concepts, an intangible quest,
For those who seek, the journey is a test.

Love, the feeling that consumes the soul,
The emotion that makes us feel whole.
It brings happiness, and it brings pain,
It's a gamble, a risk, a heart's refrain.

Yet, it's a feeling that we all yearn,
A passion that burns, for which we'll learn.
To accept, to give, to love unconditionally,
For it's the essence of our humanity.

But in a world where hearts can be shattered,
Where sincerity is rare, and love is scattered.
Where infatuation masquerades as love,
And lust is often what we speak of.

Finding true love seems an impossible feat,
A dream that's yet to be complete.
A search that spans the time and space,
To find that one true love with grace.

Yet, amidst this seemingly futile pursuit,
There's another relationship that takes root.
A bond that's unbreakable and pure,
A friendship that's steadfast, and will endure.

A real friend, an oasis in the desert of life,
A companion who eases the turmoil and strife.
A confidant who listens and understands,
A supporter who helps us take a stand.

A friend who's there through thick and thin,
A relationship that's built on trust and kin.
A person who makes life brighter and right,
Who cares and loves us with all their might.

But even this friendship is a rare find,
In a world where people can be unkind.
Where selfishness and insincerity prevail,
And true friendship is often to no avail.

Is it harder to find true love or a real friend?
The question still stands, as our search continues to extend.
But perhaps the answer lies within us all,
To look inside, and break down the walls.

To love ourselves, and cherish who we are,
To shine our light, and not be afraid to scar.
To find our passions and fulfill our dreams,
And love others fully, without extremes.

For true love and real friendship are not to seek,
But rather, within ourselves, they do peak.
They exist in how we treat others and ourselves,
In the love and kindness, our heart swells.

So, may we continue on this journey of life,
With an open heart, and without strife.
For in this search, we just might find,
That true love and real friendship are intertwined.

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