Breaking Ties

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Old bonds break when new ones are formed
It's the natural order of things, they say
Like the ebb and flow of the tides
But why does it always feel like a price to pay?

Familiar faces slowly fade into distant memories
Like ghosts in the depths of my mind
Their voices, once loud and clear
Now whispers carried away by the wind

Each connection felt like an anchor
Tethering me to the world around
But as time drifts on, the ties begin to fray
And these anchors become burdens to be unbound

We grow and change, like seasons in bloom
And with each passing year, we shed our skin
Yet, it's in these moments of transformation
That the cracks in our relationships begin

For what once brought us solace and joy
Now seems stale and suffocating
The only way forward is to let go
But the breaking of ties can be devastating

Like ripping open an old wound
The pain is raw and hard to endure
We mourn the loss of what once was
But deep down, we know it's necessary for growth to occur

But in the aftermath of severing bonds
There's a strange mix of freedom and grief
The weight of expectation lifts from our shoulders
But a void is left, a sense of disbelief

It's bittersweet, this evolution of relationships
For as we forge new connections and drift away
We become voyagers in the vast sea of life
Navigating the tides, forever seeking the light of day

The memories we shared will always remain
Etched in the tapestry of our souls
But the people we were, the people we are
Are constantly changing, as time takes its toll

So we break ties, we let go, we move on
And in doing so, we find ourselves anew
With each connection, we grow and learn
And the cycle of breaking ties will continue

For in the evolution of relationships
We discover who we truly can be
And although it may be bittersweet
It's a necessary part of our journey to clarity.

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