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Sometimes you wake up to a clear sky

Filled with the calm before the storm

The world feels light, your heart beats high

And you're ready to chase your dreams and swarm

Sometimes you win, and life is perfect

The stars align, your efforts bear fruit

You're on top of the world, you deflect

All the doubts and fears that once took root

But sometimes you lose, and it hits hard

The disappointment feels like a punch

You look for answers in the graveyard

Of the dreams that now you have to crunch

Sometimes the road seems too steep

And you wonder if it's worth the fight

But even in the darkest of weeks

There's a lesson hidden in plain sight

Sometimes you learn, and it's painful

The truth hurts, and you're left to cope

The scars are deep, the wound's not trivial

But it's in the failure that you find hope

Sometimes it's not about winning or losing

But about the journey you're meant to take

The falls, the scrapes, the bruises

Are part of the story, for heaven's sake

Sometimes you need to slow down

Take a breath and just be still

Let go of the need to wear the crown

And find the courage to climb uphill

Sometimes you need to change direction

Go left when everything points right

Embrace the twists and imperfections

And trust that you'll find the light

Sometimes you need to take a break

And give yourself permission to rest

Pick up the pieces, and let the heartache

Give way to the peace of feeling blessed

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn

But it's the journey that matters most

The falls, the cheers, the bridges you burn

Are the art of falling, a glittering host

So next time you face a hurdle

Or a setback that makes you blue

Remember that you have the power to curdle

Your own destiny, to conquer the new

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn

But it's the art of falling that makes us grow

The pain, the joy, the twists and turns

Are the ingredients of a life worth to show.

Unspoken Melodies: Poems That SingWhere stories live. Discover now