Depths of Sorrow

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And sometimes that sadness gets so deep,
It feels like a storm that won't subside,
A weight that crushes, a wound that won't heal,
A pain that cuts deep down inside.

I try to fight it, try to push it away,
But it lingers, relentless in its hold,
A suffocating blanket that smothers my day,
A prison cell that I cannot unfold.

I long to weep, to release the pain,
To let the tears flow and wash away,
But they stay locked beneath the surface,
Trapped by the weight of this endless gray.

Despair grips me like chains, tight and cold,
Holding me captive, a prisoner of old.

I search for a lifeline, a glimmer of hope,
A ray of light in this endless abyss,
But all I find are darkened corners,
And shadows that I cannot dismiss.

I long for a friend to hold my hand,
To walk with me through this somber land,
But even in the midst of a crowded room,
I feel alone in a silent tomb.

The weight of sorrow is too heavy to bear,
I close my eyes and reach out in prayer,
Hoping for a hand to lift me up,
A love that will never give up.

And when the darkness begins to fade,
And the clouds of sorrow start to abate,
I feel a warmth that embraces me tight,
A presence that surrounds me with light.

And though the scars of sorrow remain,
I know that I am not alone in my pain,
For in the depths of my heart, there lies
The love of the divine, a constant guide.

The tears may not come, but that's okay,
For in the darkness, love still finds a way,
And though the path be long and steep,
I know that love is mine to keep.

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