Remember to Forget

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In the end you can't choose what you keep,

You can only choose how you let it go

All the moments, the memories, the things we cherish,

They become a part of us, shaping who we are,

And yet, holding onto them can also be a burden,

A weight that we carry, an anchor that drags us down.

Sooner or later, we all have to learn the art of letting go,

To release what no longer serves us, what no longer fits,

And even if it hurts, to trust that there will be new beginnings,

New opportunities, new chances to grow and to love.

It's not always easy, of course, to part with what we love,

To say goodbye to people, places, or dreams.

We may cling to them, as if by holding on we could keep them alive,

As if by refusing to let go we could control the passing of time,

Or the ebb and flow of life.

Yet, in the end, it's not about control, but about surrender,

About being willing to accept what is, and to trust in what could be.

It's about allowing ourselves to feel the grief, the sadness, the confusion,

But also the hope, the joy, and the freedom that comes with letting go.

Perhaps, then, the art of letting go is also the art of living fully,

Of embracing the journey, the mystery, and the beauty of life,

Of recognizing that change is inevitable, but also transformative,

And that every ending is also a new beginning, a chance to start anew.

Learn the art of letting go, one step at a time,

With kindness, with openness, and with gratitude,

For all that we have been, all that we are, and all that we will be.

For every goodbye leads to a hello, every loss to a gain,

And every act of letting go to a deeper sense of liberation and grace.

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