[VOL 2] Wildebeast pt 1

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Jayden: So Frankenstein wasn't a monster.
Mike: No, he was just misunderstood, that's all.
Nelson: Well, it's a good thing you helped him go down the right path.
Mike: Yeah.
Dex: Mike.
Mike: What's up Dex?
Dex: I think I found another Gifted sighting, this ine I don't think will be as nice as Frank.
Mike: Alright give us the details.
Dex: There have been six murders in the past six days, all appeared to be killed by a lion or tiger.
Nelson: Shape-Shifter?
Jayden: Maybe he has claws.
Mike: Well whatever this person's powers are, they're killing innocent people.
Jess: Sounds like a job for the four of us.
Nelson: Four?
Jess: Toby and Aiden left to go get parts for Aiden's voice box.
Jayden: Well hey, the three amigos ride again.
Mike: I thought the three anigos were you, Nelson, and-
Jayden: Shush. We don't need to dwell on the past. Lets go.
Mike: *whispers to Nelson* He seems to excited.
Nelson: I mean, I believe we are basically the only two here that have ever really fought like full on villians.
Mike: True true. Alright then, lets get going.
Jayden: Um, shouldn't we know where to go?
Dex: Usually the murders happends close to the base.
Jayden: Yeah sure not suspicous at all.
Mike: All right we will split up, Nelson go north of here, Jayden south, Jess east, and I'll take west got it?
Jess: Yes sir.
Nelson: Got it.
Jayden: K.

(few minutes later)

Jayden: Now if I was a murderer, where would I be?
As Jayden is looking for the murderer, he doesn't notice the shadow creeping up on him.
Jayden: Damn it. Why do Mike and Nelson get to have all the fun taking on the big bad villians. Tho Frank wasn't a villian, Mike still gets the most action out of the six of us. It's almost like he's protagonist and must defeat all the villians.
???: You know for someone trying to find me, you sure do make it easy to be found.
Jayden turns around to see a man wearing a yellow and orange vest, orange tanktop, yellow/orange shorts, black boots, and black bands. The man had short orange hair, and yellow eyes.
Jayden: Hi, I'm Deadpool, and you are?
Wildebeast: Wildebeast, it's a pleasure to meet the famous hero.
Jayden: I think you mean infamous.
Wildebeast: Doesn't matter, I finally captured your attention. And it only took 6 kills.
Jayden: What do you want?
Wildebeast: Well I heard you have blades that come from your hands right?
Jayden brings out his blades.
Jayden: Yeah? But what does that have to do with killing innocent people?
Wildebeast: So we can see who really has the better blades.
Wildebeasts fingernails began to turn sharp.
Wildebeast: First one to die wins. So you ready?

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