[VOL 4] Society Rules

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Mike: I mean she's been kidnapped and we don't know where she is.
Jayden grabbed Mike's shirt and pushed him against the wall of the Jet.
Mike: Jay calm down. You know I will use everything I have to find her.
Jayden lets go of Mike and heads to his room to sulk.
Taylor: You think he's going to be ok?
Mike: No. His fiance just went missing so I don't think that he'll be alright.
Just then the door to the jet opened and Frank stumbled in.
Mike and Taylor ran towards Frank and lifted him up.
Mike: You ok?
Frank: No, I am not ok.
Taylor: Where is Olivia?
Frank: Taken.
Mike: By who?
Frank: I don't know his name, I just know he said he was our Menace.
Mike: Damn it now Olivia and Jess are missing. This is just bloody-
Then the screen turned on abd showed six girls hidden in the shadows.
???: Hello Rejects. I bet you are wondering who we are. Well, we are the Mad Hatter Society. We are considered the greatest villian team that exists and we have chosen you to be our greatest challenge... For the time being.
Frank: WHERE'S NEON??!!
???: Your friends are safe, for now.
Mike: What do you want?
The female in the middle stepped out from the shadows to reveal Alice.
Alice: What we want is for you to meet us at an abandoned church a little bit outside of where you are currently staying.
Mike: We will stop you.
Alice: That remains to be seen.
Then the screen turns off. Jayden then steps out from his room and Aiden appears from the medbay.
Frank: We going?
Mike: Of course we are going.

(at the church)

Mike opens the doors and the five went inside the church.
Taylor: Where are they?
Frank: This was probably a trap.
Jayden: No shit.
Mike: Well keep your guard u-
All of a sudden a giant fist hit Mike and sent flying towards the altar. Mike landed against the wall and the six blades hit his arms, 3 on each side, pinning him against the wall. Frank then was hit by a purple neon streak. The streak kept on hitting him until he fell to the ground. Taylor flew into the air but was hit by paint.
Taylor: What the hell is this?
Inky: Paint.
Taylor looked down to see Inky standing there. Then all of a sudden the paint began to dissolve her armor. Taylor then flew straight into the ground. Jayden looked up to see the giant wolf from before with a girl wearing a red hood.
Jayden: Where is Energy?
Red: She's close by. But you should worry more about yourself.
The wolf swung and hit Jayden, sending him flying across the room.
Jayden: Stupid wo-
???: You shouldn't speak so horribly.
Jayden turned to his right to see himself holding Jess captive.
Jayden: JESS!!!!
Peril: Ah ah ah, no coming towards me or else the pretty girl dies.
Peril held his blade hand across Jess's throat.
Jess: Don't worry about me, stop them.
Peril: If you continue to attack, I may be forced to cut her head off.
Jayden: ... Fine I give up.
Peril: Good.
Aiden stands behind Peril and is about to scream when a red slipper kicked his face, making him fall to the ground. Aiden was about to get back up but the slipper stepped on his neck.
Dorothy Ann: You should stay down.
Mike looks up to see Alice walking towards him with a katana.
Alice: You know Olivia told us that you were kinda a weeb.
Mike: Which one? The doppleganger or the real one that works for you?
Then Paper Girl started walking out with Olivia in cuffs.
Alice: When did you figure it out?
Mike: When the real Olivia saved us from the big bad wolf.
Alice: She wasn't supposed to do that but it served our goals anyways.
Then Menace stepped out of nowhere and grabbed Mike's arm.
Alice: I'm guessing you know who Menace is right?
Mike: A little.
Alice: So you know he can block peoples powers when he touches or is in the same area as a gifted?
Mike: Yeah.
Alice: Good.
Alice took the katana out of its sheathe and stabbed Mike with it through his chest.
Alice: Goodbye Immortal. Hope Heaven is all you dreamed it was.
The Rejects started screaming as Alice presses a button and the wall that Mike was stuck to explodes and rubble falls onto Mike's body.

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