[VOL 6] Knowing Domino

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The five heroes dig up a hole in the cemetery next to Nelson's church. After the hole is finished, Mike and Nelson lift up Tyler and put him in the hole, then they filled the hole up. The five stood there in silence for a while, then they all headed inside.
Aiden: I was never a big fan of Tyler, but hearing what I heard he did some good. He got better, he was a hero at the end.
Isaiah: Damn. It's not like he was the best guy ever, he was a jerk, but he shouldn't have died like that.
Crystal: We'll find Domino and break his goddamn neck.
Nelson: First, tell me what the hell were the five of you doing?
Isaiah: Being Rejects.
Nelson turns to Mike.
Nelson: I thought you gave up being a hero.
Mike: I did. Until Domino came and attacked me and my friends.
Nelson: Who the hell is Domino?
Crystal: He's a Gifted killer, like  Austin but worse. He actually does what he says. He literally goes after Gifted and kills them and leaves a black domino at every scene.
Nelson: Fucking great. Was trying to be a priest but now I got to be a goddamn superhero.
Isaiah: You don't have to.
Nelson: No, I got to. I'm not the type of guy to let someone walk away with killing a friend.
Aiden: Agreed.
Nelson: By the way, nice to see you again Aiden.
Aiden: Good to be back.
Crystal: So, what do we do now boss?
They all turn around and see that Mike has disappeared.
Nelson: Where did he go?

(at a prison)

In the Gifted/Villian portion of the prison, Austin is sitting in his cell when he hears a door being opened.
Guard: Hey you can't be in here!
Austin then heard the guard scream in pain and then something hitting a table and the guard stopped screaming. Then footsteps started comong towards Austin's cell but he never reacted.
Mike: Austin.
Austin turned to see Mike standing there in his costume.
Austin: Hello old friend. 2 years and you never came by to visit.
Mike grabs Austin shirt and pulls him into the bars.
Mike: I need answers.
Austin: And I need questions.
Mike through Austin back and opens the cell and enters.
Austin: Well I need questions to answer you.
Mike: Who is Domino?!
Austin's face went pale white and fear creeped into his eyes.
Austin: Where did you hear that name?
Mike: He attacked me and my friends and killed Tyler.
Austin: Oh no. He's here.
Mike: Who is he?
Austin: I never knew his real name. He was another student my master was teaching.
Mike: Master?
Austin: I needed to learn how to fight so I could mess with you, play with you while you beg for death. My master, Shogun, taught me until he realized my goals and kicked me out. But his other student was a monster, he nevered showed mercy to anyone and as much as I hated you, he hates you more.
Mike: Why?
Austin: For being a Gifted. He hates them all while I only hate the Rejects. I don't know why he never kicked him out before me, but after I left, he killed a new student of Shoguns for being a Gifted.
Mike: How do I find him?
Austin: I don't know. He's crazy, but he's more strategic then me at some things. And he won't be playing with you like I did. He won't go for the ones you love, he'll make you do things that you would never do before.
Mike: I think we can handle him.
Mike walks out and locks the cell door and heads off.
Mike walks off with those words in his head.

(in Austin's cell)

Austin slumps back into his bed and sighs. Then a hand grabs his throat and lifts him up into the air.
???: Good job Austin, you didn't reveal to much.
Austin looks down and sees Domino.
Domino: Now be a good boy and don't go telling anyone that I came here to make sure of a very dangerous subject.
Austin: F-fuck *cough* you.
Domino throws Austin into the wall and puts his boot on his throat.
Domino: Better watch your tongue, or you may lose a head.
Domino lets go and Austin coughs his lungs out and turns around and sees Domino has disappeared and on his bed is a black domino.

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