[VOL 2] The story of the first Gifted

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Water got splashed on Mike's face.
Jack: Morning sleepy head.
Mike: Fuck you.
Jack: Ooh, do you kiss your mother with that mouth kid.
Mike: Who the hell are you?
Jack: Well I would tell you but your kinda chained to a pillar... Wait why the fuck am I saying this, HELLO I'M JACK THE FUCKING RIPPER!
Mike: ... You serious?
Jack: Yeah.
Mike: Are you shiting me?
Jack: No I'm not.
Mike: How the fuck are you even alive?
Jack: What is your name?
Mike: Immortal... Oh.
Jack: That's right, I'm immortal.
Mike: How the hell did you become immortal?
Jack: Gifted were here long before you were kid. But I wasn't the first. The first was born on the same day as Jesus Christ.
Mike: Was Jesus?
Jack: I don't know, but I do know the first gifted was a monster. No one knows what his first gift was, but he became a legend.
Mike: What is his name?
Jack: I believe you've already met the man, his name is Bishop.
Mike: Bishop is a Gifted?
Jack: The first, and as ages past, he decided that he should be a god. He thought the world should bow before him. He's basically a walking apocalypse. As time went by he decided to name himself after a god.
Mike: Which mythology?
Jack: The Egyptians. He decided that he should be named after the king of the gods, Ra. The stories of Ra, they aren't pretty. But in every story, it is said he has five warriors following him, probably to resemble the five Egyptian gods that are probably the most remembered, his four children Set,Horus,Osiris,and Isis, plus the god with a jackal head, Anubis.
Mike: Ok, but here's my question, why do you want to hurt us?
Jack: Because Ra needs you and your friends to rule the world.
Mike: How?
Jack: I don't know. All I know is that Ra needs your friends to help change the world into his image.
Mike: We would never do anything to destroy the world.
Jack: I'm not gonna take that chance.
Mike: But why create a team of villians to combat us?
Jack: So I could have a chance of capturing you, so I could save the world Mike.
Mike: Let us help you.
Jack: You can't.
Jack turns to walk out the door but Mike stops him.
Mike: WAIT, just tell me they're alright.
Jack: They're fine... For now.
Jack walks out the door.
Mike: What do you mean Jack? WAHT DO YOU MEAN???!!!! JAAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!

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