[VOL 6] Domino Era pt 3

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Mike notices he's in his room, laying on his bed. He removes the blanket off of him and sits on the side of the bed. He looks around and sees that not much is different.
Mike: Guess I'm always the same, no matter how much I Barry Allened a timeline.
Mike gets up and sees he's wearing some black shorts. He goes to the closet and grabs a white t-shirt and exits his room. He notices the other Reject's room doors are dusty, like no one ever opened them. Mike walks down the stairs and sees that there isn't a computer room, it's just empty.
Mike: What the hell?
???: Good morning Mike.
Mike turned around to see a tall mixed girl with long curly brown hair, wearing glasses, a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and is holding a coffee cup.
Mike: Beverley?!
Beverley: Yeah?
Mike: What're you doing here?!
Beverley: I live here. With you and Toby.
Mike: Toby?
???: Yo.
Then a guy who looks exactly like Toby except more muscular walls out of the kitchen.
Mike: Toby...
Tobias: How many times do I have to tell you Mike, only Bev can call me Toby. You have to call me Tobias.
Tobias then notices Mike's weird looks at him.
Tobias: Everything ok?
Mike: Y-ye-yeah, I think so.
Mike walks into the kitcheb and sits down. Tobias walks in and sits right next to him.
Tobias: Mike. You gotta tell me what's on your mind.
Mike: I.... I don't know if I should tell you what I did.
Tobias: Um... How could you do anything? You never leave this house, like at all.
Mike: *sighs* Toby, I mean Tobias, this may sound crazy to you, but I'm not the same Mike you know.
Beverley: What do you mean?
Mike turns around and sees Beverley standing in the kitchen doorway.
Mike: I... Changes time.
Tobias: You did what?!
Mike: In the timeline that I come from, Toby, or you Tobias, died at the hands of Bishop. 2 years later your girlfriend, Taylor not Beverley, built a time machine and sent me back to the day when the Gifted Bomb went off at Tartan.
Tobias: Um, the bomb never went off at Tartan, it went off at North.
Mike: Wait what?
Tobias: Yeah, and that's how we got our powers. Your immorality and my ability to turn my skin to steel.
Mike: Wait, you can turn your skin to steel?
Tobias: Um yeah? Why, couldn't I do that before?
Mike: No, you originally had super strength but then you lost that and gained super intelligence.
Tobias: That sounds stupid.
Mike: I mean you did make a lot of cool things though.
Tobias: Sweet.
Mike: Wait, you believe me?
Tobias: Of course I believe you, your my best friend.
Mike: Thanks man.
Beverley then walks into the kitchen.
Mike: Whered you go?
Beverley: Toby, Raiden is here.
Tobias: Why is she... Oh fuck!
Mike: What?
Tobias: She must've figured out you changed the timeline.
Mike: And she cares about that why?
Tobias: Cause it's illegal to time travel.
Mike: Well damn.
Tobias: Beverley, get to the bunker. You'll be safe there.
Beverley: Ok, just be safe.
Beverley hugs Tobias and then runs off to where the training room used to be.
Mike: So, what do we do?
Tobias's skin then turn metallic blue.
Tobias: You open the door and I'll hit her if she trys anything.
Mike: Well, that's not the most stupidest plan I heard.
Mike stands up and notices a band on his arm.
Mike: Hey Toby?
Tobias: Tobias. And yeah?
Mike: What's this band?
Mike lifts up his arm and Tobias grabs the band and crushes it with his hand.
Tobias: It's a Gift Dampner.
Mike: Well, now we can go get myself killed.
Mike and Tobias walk to the front doo and Mike reaches out and grabs the doorknob and turns it.

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