[VOL 4] Jack the Mortal pt 2

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Jayden is tied to a chair, beaten and bruised. Jack walks in front of Jayden.
Jack: So... Hello again Jayden.
Jayden: Fuck you.
Jack: I see you just recently got engaged. How nice. I hope you two live a happy life.
Jayden: Quit the bullshit and tell me why you're here.
Jack: I will, when Mike comes down from the ceiling.
Mike then jumps down onto the ground and starts marching towards Jack. Jack smiles and throws a knife into Mike's eye. (cough refernece to my friends ShinigamiAkemiLee story, please write more THE #1 FAN HAS SPOKEN!)
Jack: Now stay there and listen.
Jack kicks Mike across the building and Mike lands into the wall.
Jack: Anyways after me and the Gallance were defeated, we became small time criminals, just stealing money to live. Then a man named Slayer came in and offer the Gallance a choice, to stay with me and be petty criminals, or join him and help take you down. Of course they listened to him and abandoned me. And as to how I am here in Italy well let's say a certain society hired me to take you lot down.
Mike: So is that why you almost killed us?
Jack: No, not at all. I did that all just to-
Jack then turned around and started to charge at Mike.
Jack pulls out two knives and begins slashing at Mike. Mike dodges and punches Jack in the jaw. Jack stumbles backwards, allowing Mike to grab a hold of one of his hands and grabs the knife and slashes Jack's chest. Jack steps backwords and his cut doesn't heal back.
Mike: Why aren't you-
Jack: Healing? Slayer took my powers. So now I'm just a regular Ripper again.
Jack the charges back at Mike and the two start clashing knives, both of them trying to get a kill shot. Jack then grabs Mike's arm and stabs it. Mike pushes Jack backwords and drops his knife and pull the knife from his arm. Mike the soon realizes the wound isn't healing.
Mike: What the hell?
Jack: My blades are made of the same material that the G.C.U uses to depower Gifted. That's why Jayden hasn't been able to use his powers.
Mike: You talk to much.
Jack: Then let's dance shall we?
The two men charge at each other, hatred in both of their eyes. They both swung the blades and in a old fashioned samurai sword fight, it looks like the both turned out alright. But then Jack falls to his knees and drops into unconsciousness. Mike gets up and let's Jayden get free.
Jayden: Thanks man.
Mike: That's what I'm here for.

(in Venice)

Alice: He failed.
The six girls of the Mad Hatter Society are sitting around the table watching the entire event happend.
Inky: I mean he took care of them besides Silence really.
Little Red: Next time we will sure to win.
Alice: Neon Lights, is your little strike force ready?
Neon Lights: Almost, just need one more person and we will be set.
Alice: Good. Soon Rejects, you will be gone from this world and won't be a thorn in our plans.

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