[VOL 6] Domino Era pt 5

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Mike is driving down the road when Tobias wakes up.
Mike: You ok?
Tobias: I'm good. Where are we?
Mike: Far away from the base.
Tobias: Oh.
Mike looks at Tobias and sees sadness in his eyes.
Mike: You think she survived?
Tobias: No... I don't.
They sat in silence for a while until Mike broke the silence.
Mike: Tell me about Domino.
Tobias: No one knows who he is. He's a mystery but a good leader. We were his soldiers until we gained our powers. Then we became his Enforcers.
Mike: Enforcers?
Tobias: The Enforcers are his drath squad, his black ops unit, the royal guard. They are the only soldiers that are Gifted. They follow his orders to a fault... We followed his orders to a fault.
Mike: Why did we quit?
Tobias: We didn't. He told us to that we should be home with our family but... I was the only one with a family. You're parents disowned you and you have no girlfriend-
Mike: That's nothing new.
Tobias: -and you have no one but me.
Mike: So who's in the Enforcers?
Tobias: Obsidian, Igneous, DiamondCrusher, Deathwing, and Taylor AKA Raiden.
Mike: So what can they-
Tobias: STOP THE VAN!!!!
Mike hit the breaks and stopped right in front of a black man wearing a buttoned up black trench coat wearing black shades.
Mike: Isaiah?
Tobias: AKA Obsidian. He-
Mike: Don't need to tell me.
Tobias: Why not?
Mike: Cause I read comics.
Mike shifts the gear and starts backing quickly but stops.
Tobias: Why'd you stop?
Mike: Them.
He pointed towards a man wearing black goggles with red lens, black shirt, black and grey jacket, black gloves, black jeans, and black boots. Standing next to him is a female with long blue hair with a black sleeveless shirt, black baggy jeans, and black combat boots.
Tobias: Tyler and Crystal. AKA Igneous and DiamondCrusher.
Mike: Who's next, Nelson?
Then a figure with wings made up of orange light wearing a black trench coat with orange decals, a Tron like helmet, black gloves, black pants, and black boots.
Mike: Me and my big mouth.
Tobias: The hell we do?
Taylor: GIVE UP NOW!!!
The two look behind them and see Taylor standing between Crystal and Tyler.
Tobias: You think we should surrender?
Mike: You really asking me that question?
Tobias: You're right, we gotta hit them-
Mike: Of course we're surrendering.
Mike opens the door and steps out, leaving Tobias confused.
Mike: Toby, come on.
Tobias opens his door and steps out.
Taylor: Good, you surrender.
Mike: Nah, I just wanted to not die in a van.
Taylor: You're more cheery then before.
Mike: I am? Hmmm, maybe it's because I feel like I have something that's been missing for so long finally return.
Taylor: Well, sorry to say buy you'll  be missing it for a little bit longer. Kill Tobias.
Nelson starts moving towards Tobias when suddenly a sonic blast hits Nelson and sends him flying. A man wearing Aiden's costume except instead of a trench coat, he has a cape and the open mouth part of his mask is now closed and he has a R on his belt.
Taylor: Scream. And that means-
???: I'm here of course.
A blue neon blur appears and knocks Taylor to the ground. The blur stops in front of Mike and Tobias. The figure turns around to reveal a girl wearing Olivia's costume but instead of the triforce, she has an R.
Mike: Aiden? Olivia?
Olivia: What up bitch. We're the Rejects and we're here to save your sorry asses.

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