[VOL 2] Neon Lights Prelude

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Mike: Nelson, Toby, what are you doing?
Nelson: Looking up information on a corporation.
Mike: Why?
Toby: We've just learned that the government has just made a entire unit to contain us gifted. They've collabed with this organization called Bishop Industries.
Mike: Never heard of them.
Toby: You wouldn't. They've never existed before 3 days ago. But yet people seem to think its been here for years. You know that Ecolab building in st paul?
Mike: Yeah?
Nelson: Well it's now a Bishop  tower.
Mike: How did they? What?
Nelson: I don't know either. They're just here. And they're hunting down gifted.
Mike: So what's this unit called?
Toby: It's called Freak Containment Unit, or F.C.U.. But we're gonna call the the G.C.U..
Mike: Goddamn, how could people lwt this happend?
Nelson: Not all people believe that we are still people. So how are we gonna deal with this?
Mike: Stop them.
Toby: Cool. But how?
Mike: We'll find a way.
Nelson: I don't think punching these guys are gonna work. They might have weapons to subdue specifically us.
Toby: I agree. It seems like they may as well be painting a bullseye on our head.
Mike: Alright, alright. Just give me the list of Gifted they have.
Nelson: Only one person.
Mike: Alright who?
Nelson: A girl named Olivia.
He pulls up a picture of a girl in a black hoodie that saids po$h on it, black shorts, grey shoes. She has blue hair.
Mike: I know her.
Toby: You do?
Mike: Hello bitch, it's been awhile.
Nelson: Do you hate each other.
Mike: Not exactly, we're more like best frienenemies. And I guess I gotta save you huh? Let's go guys. Nelson, wake up the others, we're searching and rescuing.

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