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"Why do I feel like I was in this scene too?..."

Warning! Strong words, viloence, and blood.

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"How dare you call him a beggar!" Mr Choi yelled, as he entered with Hana and Luna following him.

Hana brought all the weapons that the bullies used in a bag. Luna hid her hands in her pockets, and wearing her stoic expression.

"I bet you don't even have a trillion won." Jangmul said, cooly, placing his hands on his waist, and facing the father of one of the bullies. "Hey! Let's see who ends up behind bars."

"Who the hell is this prick?" The man asked, checking Jangmul up and down.

"What? 'Prick'?" Jangmul mocked. "I'm that boy's guardian, you prick!"

Jangmul pointed Mun, Luna glanced over the boy, and his nose was bleeding.

"Oh, you're his guardian?" One of the officers questioned, and Jangmul ignored him as he went straight to Mun. Hana and Luna tailed him behind.

Giving Mun a handkerchief, and Mun gladly to accept it. "Here. Your nose is bleeding."

"I've seen him before." The officer mumbled, and Luna heard it as she smirked.

"Where's Junha?!" A woman screamed, and the crowd stepped aside as the woman was revealed.

"Hayeon? I thought you're not going?" Luna asked, and run towards Hayeon.

"I'm worried about Junha. Now, where is he? Who did it?! It's his first day yet he got beaten up!" Hayeon bellowed, and they were silent. She spun around, and her eyes squinted scanning the parents that surrounding her.

"Why do I feel like I've seen her before?" The officer muttered.

"Hayeon, Junha is upstairs with Juyeon and Ungmin, Mun's friends. Go there and check on him. Go." Luna informed, she held Hayeon's shoulders and spun her, as she pushed her away.

Hayeon was going to complain but she proceed to go upstairs. Luna sighed, and her expression went back to a stoic one.

"Well, I'll tell you what really happened." Jangmul spoke, as if nothing happened. Luna saw Mun wiping the blood with the handkerchief that Jangmul gave him. "Those bullies beat up his friends, and he saved them. this boy is a righteous hero."

Jangmul puts his arm around Mun, "Isn't it a touching story?"

"My son can't even kill an ant. And yet what? He's a bully?" The other parent argued.

"You must be out of your mind. Do you have any proof?"

"Proof? There's plenty, you little jerk." Jangmul barked, Hana removed the strap on her shoulder and threw the bag that full of baseball, and all the wooden and metal rod.

They gasped, surprised, and they stepped back.

"Look, officers. Did we really have to collect these weapons ourselves from the scene? This piece of the puzzle. It's crucial because those sons of bitchea left these there." Jangmul stated.

"What the..."


"Retrieve the fingerprints from these and compare them with those punks'." Jangmul said, angrily, and pointing them.

"You're all guilty of attempted murder, and this boy acted in self-defense, you idiots." Jangmul added, and indicating Mun.

"Did you say 'attempted murder'? Old man, are you trying to ruin my son's future? Don't you dare!" That one parent argued. Jangmul snatched the handkerchief from Mun's grip.

daylight - so mun [TUC Fanfiction]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ