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"no. not again..."

Warning! Short Chapter ahead!

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mun told luna to meet up with him later as he and juyeon and ungmin bid their farewells and went their separate ways.

mun beamed as he saw luna standing, waiting for him. luna waved her hand and smiled, which made him melt and his heart pound faster.

as mun turned his gaze toward the boy who was chasing his soccer ball that was on the middle of the road, the horn of a truck could be heard and he quickly took action.

mun jumped onto the road to save the little boy, wrapping his arms around him and stomping his feet on the ground.

luna covered her mouth and her eyes widened in shock as she witnessed the territory opening up. mun safely landed on the ground with the little boy, who bowed as a sign of gratitude and then went to join his friends.

luna huffed and ran to mun, who realized everything. she pulled him on the side and quickly circled her arms around mun's neck and let out a sigh. "you finally found it! i'm so proud of you! and you saved a little boy."

mun was still in shock, but he felt a sense of happiness to finally understand the desire for summoning the territory.

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the counters got ready, putting on their seatbelts, as luna glanced at mun. as he zipped up his tracksuit, he turned his head, a small smile crossing his face.

"the outskirts of jungjin," hana spoke up, as she saw the place where ji cheongsin could be. "jahye children's home, near the border of seoul."

luna seemed to be bothered by the questions forming in her mind. why would cheongsin go to a place where children were left by their own parents? did he come from there? or did he have a soft side to kids even though he was an evil spirit?

as luna heard the voice of the kid who was inside their territory, wanting to leave, and a hint of terror in his voice, she realized that cheongsin had entered their territory. the sound of heavy footsteps stepping on their territory confirmed that it was indeed cheongsin, and that he was coming towards them.

"ji cheongsin is inside."

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they arrived at the location and quickly got out of the car. as they took their first steps, they heard mr. choi nagging.

"you should've gotten here sooner. time is gold to counters," he said, and luna rolled her eyes in response.

"you're here early for once. don't nag," ms. chu retorted as they made their way towards the disappearing territory.

"the territory just disappeared," ms. chu observed as she approached hana, who closed her eyes, seeing the happy kids playing and filled with laughter.

"there are lots of kids," hana informed them, "and i can hear ji cheongsin's voice."

"are the kids being held hostage?" motak questioned her.

"i doubt it," mun said, he spun to them.

"how did you know?" motak asked him, curious about his answer.

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