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"They died because of you..."

Warning! Violence.

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"So level three spirits have two voices?" Mun asked, glancing the elders in the front seat.

"Yes, the evil spirit and the host can communicate. We can hear tbe evil spirit's voice, but ordinary people can't." Ms Chu stated, staring at the boy in her peripheral view.

"At level three, they can use psychokinesis and read minds. Some can bewitch people." Motak added. Luna whined, feeling anxious, and overthinking how she'll face a level three evil spirit because this is her first time.

"Bewitch people?" Mun asked, puzzled.

"They make you lose your mind." Motak clarified, looking straight on the road.

"They found one in France that could switch hosts." said Ms Chu.

"I learnes french as a second language." Mun blurted out, and they all whirled at him. Luna chuckles, looking away, placing her hand in her mouth trying not laugh out loud.

"I'm just nervous." Mun admitted, and pressing his lips in a fine line.

"Hold yourself together like Hana and Luna. Like raindrops falling down quietly at a temple." Motak adviced.

"I think of pork belly. The sound of its fat on charcoal. Pop, crackle." Hana explained, mimicking the sound of it. "It calms me down."

Mun was staring at her, and stealing a glance at the girl beside him, who's quietly moving her fingers on her thighs like she's playing a piano but immediately stop when she remember something.

"You picture pork belly?" Motak questioned, softly.

"We're scared, too, Mun. We get scared every single time." Ms Chu said, glancing at the window.

"Our territory isn't there, is it?"

"No, it's gone."

"I was still watching her. Tsk." Luna muttered, and pouted, crossing her arms, in which Mun found it cute, and he hide his smile.

She's upset that she's no longer watching the evil spirit because the territory disappeared.

"You don't have to catch her. Don't get hurt." Ms Chu ordered, and they nodded.

"Pop. Crackle." Mun murmured, and Hana glances at the boy taking the advice, while his eyes closed. As Luna joined him, muttering, "Pop. Crackle."

Hana small smile in corner of her lips, and joined the two. "Pop. Crackle."

As they entered the parking lot, and quickly goes inside the mall. They split up to find the evil spirit faster, before she could leave.

"I'll take the first floor." Motak informed.

"I'll take the third and the fourth. Be careful." Ms Chu told them.

"I'll start on the fifth." said Hana.

"I'll take the seventh floor." Luna said, walking, and looking around while her hands in her pockets. Then, a person pops up in her mind, it was Mun. She thought that Mun if he really can go alone.

"Mun, can you really do this alone? I feel uneasy." Luna asked, worriedly.

"Did you already forget my fight against the 17 kids?" Mun remarked that made Luna smirked, and nodded.

daylight - so mun [TUC Fanfiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz