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"how dare they kidnapped you and made you as a hostage..."

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luna wasn't in herself, going down to the basement, their training room, and she walked near the closet. she zipped up it, opening, as she stared at the uniforms that mun owned.

memories flashes into her mind, missing his sweet and warm smile. how silly he is. the way he steals a glance over her. and how he brought her black and white world into colorful one like their territory with just simple and hideous affections.

the corners of her lips went down, looking up, and holding her tears. her puffy eyes that she's been crying ever since mun dismissed for being a counter.

from that night, luna swore to herself that she will always protect that boy no matter what happens even it cause her death and didn't care about anything but him.

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few days later, luna became distant from going to work and wanting to spend a time with hayeon. her bestfriend has been acting strange according to jaemi, luna's cousin.

but hayeon kept denying all about their suspense and keep shooing them, especially luna.

also hayeon learned that mun got fired from the work like luna was doing. hayeon only knew about their work as only a work. a work to catch evil people that desired to kill an innocent lives.

luna sighed in frustration, covering her face with her two bare hands and leaning her back into the chair.

"lunauelle! i want you to bring these food products that came from overseas to ms chu." hayeon exclaimed and gripping a bag. luna closed her eyes firmly and so done of her.

"oh? are you annoyed?" hayeon asked as she placed the bag on the table and grabbed her wrist. "out of the house, lunauelle!"

she yelled and luna gave up, she doesn't have enough energy to fight and just getting pulled away.

hayeong dragged luna out of the house and gave the bag to her as she closed the gate.

luna shook her head in disappointment and observed that hayeon was been in moody.

hayeon sometimes wanted her to be there by her side, sometimes she wanted her to cook a meal for her, sometimes she cry and mad at her and luna suspect that she might be pregnant or something else.

is hayeon really pregnant?

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as the bell chimes and luna twisted the door knob, it showed the other three counters were preparing their dinner, settling the table and overheard that hana's been rarely spotting any evil spirit eversince the incident.

their eyes went on luna as she goes to the kitchen and they watch her go back, going to have a seat while holding a flatware.

"luna, have you heard about the recently murder case that currently detective kim working on?" hana inquired the girl, luna looked at her and let out a sighed.

"yes. she also told me that it could an evil spirit who did it." luna nodded.

"one was level one, and the other one was level three. two evil spirits did it together. can they recognize each other?" hana exchanges her gaze between her fellow counters. ms chu sighed, staring at her.

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