We're ok.

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Eli visited as much as she could when we got home with Jordi, not for cuddles with her new grandson, but to help us. She'd do anything that she could to help whilst she was here, walking Nala, tidying the house, cooking us dinner, and doing the laundry that seemed to be never-ending now that we had a newborn in the house. She had been our rock in so many ways and I don't know how we would have gotten through the first week or so without her.

Jordi was the absolute perfect baby during the day, sleeping for hours at a time and eating like a champion, but at night it was like sleep was his enemy. He'd be up for hours at a time which meant that Ale and I were exhausted and the lack of sleep was finally catching up on us and causing us to snap... a lot.

It was on our fourth day home when we had our first falling out. Jordi had been up every hour during the night, which hadn't helped the situation. We were both exhausted and still adjusting to the tiny human that had come into our lives and turned everything upside down, neither of us knowing what the hell we were supposed to be doing.

"Did you find them?" I asked exasperatedly as I walked into the bedroom with a crying Jordi in my arms, only to find Ale fast asleep on the bed.

She'd come up here about ten minutes ago to look for the extra wipes that we kept up here as we had run out of the supply we had downstairs, but here she was, sprawled out, peacefully sleeping whilst I held our crying son who needed a fresh nappy.

I quickly walked over to her, the rage inside me building as I saw the pack of wet wipes in her hand.
"Are you serious Ale!?" I whispered angrily, nudging her shoulder, not wanting to upset Jordi any more than he already was.

"Huh?" she mumbled as she slowly opened her eyes, quickly realizing her mistake when she saw the frustration in my eyes.
"Shit, I'm sorry. I'm just so tired"

"And you think I'm not! I cant believe you Ale, Seriously!? Just give me the wipes and I'll change him, you can go back to sleep if you're that tired" I spat sarcastically, snatching the pack from her hand and heading back out of the bedroom.

"Isy, come back" She called out after me as I walked away, but I didn't stop.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs Eli was waiting for me with a concerned look on her face, obviously having overheard Ale and I bickering.
"What was all of that about?" She asked, as she placed a caring hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing, he needs changing" I gestured down to Jordi who was still fussing in my arms, not wanting to talk about Ale and I's arguments with her mother.

I knew Eli wouldn't let it go though, and as soon as I set Jordi down on the changing matt I heard her footsteps quickly heading up the stairs and her muffled voice echoing down the stairs through the open bedroom door.

"Please don't tell me you were asleep!?" She started.

"Did she tell you? I closed my eyes for two seconds, I didn't meant too and I seriously don't need my mother coming up here to tell me off about it"

"No Ale, she didn't say a word. She came downstairs and pretended that everything was fine. I overheard you both..." Eli began, before the sound of the bedroom door closing cut off the sound of their voices.

Ale really stepped up in the days that followed our disagreement, doing as much as she could for Jordi and me.

On the seventh day home she had woken up early with Jordi, offering to take him downstairs so that I could get a bit more rest, something that she had been doing for the last couple of days so that I could have a bit of a break. This particular morning though Jordi had been unsettled, I left Ale to it for a while trying not to interfere, but after almost twenty minutes of him continuously crying I headed downstairs to see if I could help.

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