He's just scared.

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Today is the day we find out whether we are are having a son or a daughter, whether Jordi is getting a little brother or a little sister, and what family dynamic we will have for the rest of our lives. It was exciting, but also terrifying.

Jordi was going to spend the morning with Ona and his new favourite person in the whole world... his Auntie Lucy. Ever since they played football on the beach together she was pretty much all he talked about. When we see Auntie Lucy? Auntie Lucy come and play football with me? Was Auntie Lucy at training today Mama? Can I come to training and see Auntie Lucy?

So when we told him that he was going spend the day with her and Ona he was over the moon. He packed his little backpack full of all of his favourite toys to show her, made sure that he could take his favourite football with him even though we reassured him that they would have plenty of footballs at their house and drew her a picture of them on the beach together.

He was more excited about seeing Lucy than he was about finding out if he was getting a baby brother or a baby sister.

"This Lucy's house?" He asked from the backseat of the car as we pulled into the driveway.

"Yes, this is Lucy and Ona's house. You know this Jordi, you've been here lots of times" Isy explained from the passenger set, turning to face our little boy.

"And Narla and Coco?" He continued questioning.

"Yes and Narla and Coco" she nodded.

"Can we go in now? I want to go and see Lucy!" He said excitedly, trying to unbuckle himself from his car seat.

"Slow down little man" I laughed, unbuckling my own seat belt before climbing out of the car and heading to Jordi's door.

When Lucy answered the front door Jordi practically launched himself at her, wrapping his arms around her legs and hugging them tightly while bouncing up and down.

"Hi Jordi" she smiled, placing her hand in his wavy hair and ruffling it gently.

"Auntie Lucy! Auntie Lucy! I drew you a picture"

"Wow! What did you draw?" She asked just as Ona joined her on the doorstep.

"Me and you playing football on the beach"

"Am I in this picture Jordi?" Ona asked, raising her eyebrow as she smirked at our son.

"No just me and Auntie Lucy" He smiled cheekily.

We left Jordi with his Aunties and got back into the car, the excitement of finding out the gender was building in us both as we made our way to the hospital.

"Final guess, what do you think?" Isy smiled across at me as I parked the car in the hospital car park.

What I thought the gender was going to be and what I wanted were two very different things. I had always wanted a little girl and honestly the thought of having a son absolutely terrified me, but since Jordi that had changed. I wanted another boy. I wanted a brother for Jordi and another little boy to love unconditionally, but ever since we found out that Isy was pregnant I just had this gut feeling that we were having a little girl.

"I think it's going to be a girl"

"And what do you want it to be?" Isy raised her eyebrow at me.

"You've asked me this so many times cariño and my answer will be the same each time... I don't mind. They are our baby I will love them no matter what"

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