CHAPTER-2 The Ten Years

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Soon the morning turned into evening as the sun was ready to meld with the horizon. Mrunal was sitting on the villa's garden chairs waiting for her mother in a casual loose t-shirt and long loose pants with an open novel in her hands whose page number hadn't changed for the past ninety minutes.


She came back from the past as she heard the nickname which she hadn't heard in years. She slowly kept the book on the table and turned back to see her mother. However, the presence she least expected beside her grabbed more of her attention. The RajaSa of Raghuvanshis was standing in all his glory beside her mother and looking directly at her.


I quickly composed myself concealing my surprise and went towards them. I bend down to touch RajaSa's feet. I got the second surprise of the day as I felt a hand caressing my head.

"May God Bless You" He said calmly.

I got up and looked towards him and a pair of glistening eyes met mine with a small smile. I moved towards my mother. Her face was drenched with tears by now. I bend to touch her feet but she hugged me tightly midway. She cried like this for a few minutes. I stood at my place like a statue but my mind was filled with burbling of my own thoughts. I detach myself from her.

"I am extremely sorry for making you come here in this health but hopefully you will understand," I told her.

"No, No. It's not your fault. I am glad that at least you have come back to your homeland." She croaked holding my hands.

"Let's sit and talk there," I suggested.

We all settled in the garden chairs.

"How have you been?" Mother asked.

"Good" I answered shortly. She kept silent for some time and then asked.

"Where have you been all these years, all alone?"

I looked at her and then at RajaSa. He was also staring at me waiting for my answer. I thought to answer or not but eventually replied.

"In Italy. After completing school, I went to Italy with my friend for learning art professionally."

"Why we could never able to locate or contact you all these years? Even your caretakers were not able to tell where you went?", this time RajaSa asked.

"I took care of it so that I can't be traced." I replied shortly. My answer didn't appease him but before he could say anything further I turned the topic by asking about mother's health.

"Alive and sitting in front of my daughter by god's grace." She replied smiling at me.

"Good to hear" A brief silence fell again.

"Shall I ask someone to bring some tea for you both?" I asked feeling the suffocating environment in the open garden. What an irony!

"Piyu, you are being too formal we are ..."

"No, let me ask someone. Just give me a minute." I said cutting her knowing well she was going to give her explanation, which I don't want to hear. I quickly dialled Ishita's number and asked her to send some evening snacks and tea for us.

"I think you should stay at the main palace instead of this villa," RajaSa said.

I looked at him and sighed. "I am comfortable here after all I have always stayed here not the palace. I heard some preparations were done there for my staying and I sincerely apologize for not being there but I will be staying here only for the days I am here." I replied looking downwards.

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