CHAPTER-46 Little Adventure

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"I am missing you a lot wifey, It's almost a week now. Why is not this small baby just come out soon. He/ she is holding you there." I complained as i am missing Mrunal a lot. We occasionally meet here and there like teenage couples, who went through all problems to just have a hug and hello hi---some kisses as well. All day I just wait for notifications in my phone indicating her message. At night we pour ourselves in the call till late at nights and gradually we dozed off lonely. 

"I wish you were here. I am feeling so lonely in this huge room." I whined childishly as I pushed my face in the pillow and sprawl on the bed. She giggled softly making things worse for me. I groaned in the phone as the silence fell on the other side. "Mrunal?" I asked.

"Okay, let's play something." she said as I frowned. It sounded so wrong.

"What?" I exclaimed in the phone. 

Mrunal clicked her tongue, "Just do what I am telling you. Don't ask questions." She said seriously as I bit my lips. "Okayyy" I said with a smirk.

"As you command mam" I said as she hummed.

"First of all clear the mess you made in the room." She said as I sighed. I felt very lazy days without here and my stuffs were lying here and there. I send her pictures today to pursue her to comeback. 

"What the hell Mrunal, what I was thinking and what are you saying." 

"You ask lot's of questions! Don't waste my time. I am leaving the call then." She blackmailed me.

"Ayee-Ayee! Okay okay! Doing. I put in my earphones as I cleared the mess quickly."

I straightened my back as I said done.

"Okay now dimmed all the light and lit scented candles around our room." Madam announced her second demand. We are getting there. I smiled as I got bunch of candles and placed them around the room and lit them one by one.

"now remove your shirt." She whispered shyly as I chuckled. I started opening the button as I picked the phone in the other, "Hah! Mrunal! " I groaned "Why did you make me do all this arrangement? All these will go waste with you not being here." i kept the shirt aside.

"Perfect, now open the windows and balcony door to let the fresh air in the room." she said as I got up and did as I was ordered.

"Done? now cover your eyes securely." She said as things were getting spicy turm.

"Ahh Ha?" I asked,

"Pleaasee, just do na." she whisper yelled through the phone. She pleaded and sound desperate. I chuckle deeply to tease her and I heard her fidgeting. I roam my eyes and found a scarf of hers. I tied it around my eyes and lied on back on the bed tiringly. "Done!" I growled in the phone as she squealed.

"Now think about me." she said childishly as she giggled. "May I know what are you planning to? Are you just planning to tease me or you have some greater plans." I asked her.

"Obviusly, I have huge plans." she said---wait! WAIT!! the voice didn't come through the phone but the person itself. I tried to sat up quickly but a soft body crashed on me. I jerked the scarf away and found Mrunal in front of me.

"Surprise" she said softly tilting her head cutely. I hugged her tightly.

"You were all along in the home. You came back?" I asked happily. 

She shook her head negatively. "I am your hallucination" she giggled. I twisted my lips irritatingly. I hold her face and pulled it close to mine as i kissed her roughly, nibbling her lips. She flapped her hands to push me. 

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