CHAPTER-40 Countdown Begins

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I was busy today in the office and it got very late. I entered the palace to see it's dark and silent. I went to our room and found the light of our room still shining. I opened the door and found my RaniSa on the window sill staring at the papers so intently that she didn't even realise my presence. Her hairs on top her head in a messy bun with the help of a pen. Her phone tinging often with notifications. She stretched her neck once as she bend down to check the laptop. My poor little wife! There are lots off stuff on her shoulders, though I tried to handle all the business stuffs but that Asmita is really gone mad and then it again fall on Mrunal to give the final decision. I removed my coat and tie and moved to her. she flinched a bit suddenly realising a presence. She looked at me with a tired face and her gave a sad smile.

"When did you come?" she questioned.

"When you were so busy! Have you taken any breaks?" I asked her as she slump her body and shook her head.

"How will I get some time! I rushed to the gallery to finalise some details then went to the art school. Then I need to finish some paintings and in between some plots come in my mind and I had to jot them down before I forgot. Lastly, these business details." She explained as I sat in front of her after removing some of the papers and she put her arms around my neck and lean on me as i hugged her. "and cheery on top I am bleeding." She whined as I hold her back and got up from the small space with her in my arms. She wrapped her legs around my torso quickly to keep the balance.

"What's you doing?" she asked irritatingly as she sticked to me as a kola on a tree. I hold her as properly and walked across our room to our bed.

"You need rest." I said as I sat down on our bed while she was still sticking to my chest. AS I settled down comfortably leaning on the cushions and pillow she raised her head as I remove the pen from her hair and her hairs fell down like some waterfall.

"You ate something?" I inquired as she nodded with a pout.

"hmm" she hummed as she placed her head on my neck like a small baby as I caressed her head and sprawled my legs to make her comfortable. There were small papers on our bed as well. some were plain some were scribbled and there was sketches on few. Ha! My artistic wife has made the whole room in a mess.

"lian" she called as I hummed. "I am too tired." she said softly as she looked very vulnerable but it's just Mrunal in her periods. I kind off get used to this side of hers.

"Obviously, you would you didn't took proper rest and you have been continuously hopping around doing stuffs. I told you to ask MaaSa to handle the palace as you have to run to the gallery often as its at last stage but you don't want to hurt her at this age. Basically calling her old! Just you wait till I mention this to her. I also suggested you not to indulge in the art school yet as you have lot's of things on your plate but you were persistent over that too." I scolded her as she raised her eyes looking at me. her lips again puckered forming a cute pout. Aww my cuttiee. I bit my inner cheek to not to smile and gush at her. she will whine later.

"you are right! I am an idiot who took so much stuffs on my head!" she paused as she raised her head and looked at me straightly. "You know I think I should drop this thought of independent women. It's so hard ! I am done. after all I have such a handsome and rich husband with stable income who can take care of everything. I can enjoy my life. What say? I will be good housewife." She said seriously and I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah sure" I said as I knew it where it's going to go.

She blinked at me a few times as I looked at her calmly and after whole sixty seconds she punched me on my chest. I giggled as I hardly felt anything.

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